Wednesday 4 May 2011


Yep, I am afraid that is me, AWOL for far too long. I have had this rotten cold for 2 1/2 weeks now and just when I thought I was getting better, I got a nasty sinus infection which laid me low with crazy pains in my head. I am slowly getting better, but I am still terribly bunged up and weak and can't do long session on the computer. BUMMER, grr, I even missed out on the boot fairs last weekend, and because of the bank holiday it was a long weekend with extra boot fairs! Makes ya cry, doesn't it? All those beautiful things I missed out on.............. you can probably imagine how relieved my poor long suffering husband was, lol.

But thats quite enough of that, I have had some mail which really cheered me up! I received two gorgeous tags from the fabulous Cindy Atkins! I am sure you all know her and her wonderfully quirky, bubbly, exuberant and very prolific work. The first tag she sent, just because. No special reason, just a wonderful little present from one blogger friend to another. And it is a typical Cindy tag, full of "joie de vivre" . The tag came in its own little holder, which was beautifully embellished as well -

The tag -

I hope you can see all the wonderful little details in the close ups, the glitter, the little lovely little touches like the pearls etc.

I also won in her week long Alice giveaway, and the gorgeous prize arrived this morning. It is fantastic, just look at it!

Such a prettily decorated peg with a tiny tag, and the beautiful Alice's Tea Party pocket, front -

and back -

The Tea Party tag -

Such a wonderful addition to my Bloggy Friends' Tags collection. Thank you so much, Cindy, they are just fabulous.

I missed last week's tag tuesday challenge, and of course I am way late for this week's tag tuesday and every inchie monday challenge. I'll try and catch up sometime this week.

I have also noticed that I have some new followers. Yoohooo and a big hello and welcome to you! Once my brain is working again and I feel a bit more human again, I'll organise a giveaway. About time I did, right?

I also have a few more boot fair finds to show you from Sunday before last, including a gorgeous old Victorian photo album. Another time though, I have to call it a day for now. Hugs to you all,

toodlepip, xxx


  1. Hi Liz,
    I am so HAPPY that they arrived--I was afraid they were lost! I hope you will be feeling better soon--it's always such a JOY to visit your blog.

  2. Sorry to hear about your sinus infection, I hope you get better soon! Big hugs!

  3. Poor you, take care, go slowly and get better!
    Lovely tags.

  4. Dear Liz,--
    I thought about you some dayes ago,--missed you- and desided to catch up on you,if nothing happened this week---Happy something happened :), and that you are feeling a bit better---I know all about sinus infections--they are awful ,painful- and it can be really difficult, to make them go away. Sweetie I wish you to be really well, soon- so you can catch up on the boot fairs. this week-end, :)
    You got some ,lovely tags from dear Cindy- she is truly a generous and sweet lady- and her art is wonderful.
    Liz I wish you -gute besserung-
    and sends you a big hug.

  5. Oh dear, sinus trouble is horrid! poor you. Glad you are feeling better though and good to have you back!

  6. So sorry about your infection, hope you will be better soon! Cindy's tags are wonderful.

  7. Hope you feel better soon, sinus infections are nasty.

    Gorgeous tags.

  8. Boot fair finds are some of my favourite posts so I'm looking forward to seeing yours. Hope you're feeling much better. xx

  9. Oh dear, I wish you a quick return to health! These are wonderful goodies, simply lovely! Hugs,

  10. Dear Liz
    Oh what a dreadful time you have had with that sinus infection!
    And, what's more, how dare it happen just when you needed to go "boot fairing"!!! Oh well - there will be plenty more my friend!
    Your tags won from Cindy are sooo beautiful and what a really sweet heart she has!
    Get better real soon.
    PS Thanks for lovely comment on my Little Steps journal!!!

  11. Oh Lizzie, You poor little thing! Those sinus infections are really bad. You think your head is going to explode. Hopefully you'll be fully recovered soon! I can feel your pain that you weren't able to go to the boot fairs. That's like a little torture for us hunters, isn't it?
    I'm glad you got cheered up by Cindy's pretty tags. Blogger friends are just wonderful.
    Now take good care of yourself, so that you are fit again for the hunt on Sunday :-).
    Hugs to you,

  12. Liz, I'm just catching up and didn't know you were ill. So sorry to hear this!! Hope you are now on the mend. We can't have you missing boot fairs!
    Cindy's tags and art are just beautiful and you're a lucky gal!
    Hugs, Diane


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