Tuesday 12 April 2011

Trying to catch up - Tag Tuesday " Cut a postcard " challenge

What a challenge this one proved to be! You'd think it would be easy, just take a postcard, any card, chop it up a bit and voila, tag done. Hmm. Not when you only have a treasured stash of antique and vintage postcards. Have you any idea how much time I spent just looking through my postcards, trying to find one which I could possibly cut? Hours, I tell you, HOURS. I pulled out a few, and then put them back again, having made all sorts of excuses for not using them. Then I decided to be cheeky and scan some in and use the scans, but I felt too guilty about cheating and abandoned the scans for now. They will make some nice tags though one of these days.

After hours of fruitless searching through my boxes of cards, I finally decided to dump the idea of using a vintage postcard. I just couldn't bring myself to do it. I almost gave up on the tag altogether. But then, I remembered that I had a set of three modern postcards with beautiful antique images, and that proved to be the solution. I grabbed one, put a tag over it to find a part of the image which would work, and cut. Yep, I destroyed a card. With scissors. Big ones. And even though it was a modern card, it still hurt, lol. Then it was just a case of adding a few bits and pieces, and the tag was finally done -

See? I really really did cut a postcard -

Please let the next challenge be less painful, lolol! Ah, errm, seems the next challenge is already up, sigh, I am off to find out what this week's challenge is going to do to me ;-).

Toodlepip xxx


  1. Well done! I could feel your pain!!!!

    Your tag is BEAUTIFUL though

    ps I love your blog btw :)


  2. What a super tag, extremely unusual and just love it! I know it hurts cutting up your favourites sometime but one must to achieve such a beautiful tag!

  3. Beautiful tag, but I know just how you feel about cutting a postcard up!

  4. Hi sweet Liz,
    it is a beautiful tag-- I love it,-but you know what?? I would feel as unpleasent as you, cutting up a postcard--and especially an old one- so I think we could have been sitting there for hours if together-without finding any to use-lol
    I wish you a lovely evening--well it is almost 10 o`clock-so sleep well soon, friend.

  5. I didn't even wish you a lovely time in France and now you are back already. I'm sorry about that, Liz! It sounds like you had a great time in the Provence and what luck that there was a vide grenier while you were there. I'm sure you have some wonderful treasures to show.
    The tag is beautiful. I certainly would have had a hard time too to cut up a vintage card.
    Have a great day! We do have rain today. Hopefully you have some nicer weather.
    Big hugs,


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