Saturday 16 April 2011

Some recent French Vide Greniers finds

It is still a little early for vide greniers in our area of France, but I did manage to find one whilst we were at the cottage. I had the best intentions of taking a whole bunch of pictures there, and I did take a couple as soon as I entered the grounds where it was held........... and then of course it all went awry, lol, I totally forgot I had a camera with me as I was way too busy haggling in my best vide greniers French, lol -

I do love the beautiful warm glow of old copper, so when I saw this very prettily decorated copper cauldron, I had to haggle for it -

This little antique photo album was empty, of course, and a lot of the pages had some damage, but at least I won't feel guilty when I take it apart and use the lovely thick pages for collages -

I also found this beautiful Art Deco religious plaque, wood inlaid with brass -

And a fantastic snakeskin clutch bag, the real thing -

I have a bit of a thing about old tools, wooden handled tools, and old folding measuring sticks kinda fall into that category as well. I just love the feel of the wood, smoothed by so many hands over so many years. And look at the gorgeous curly numbers -

The dinky narrow brass one was too cute to resist -

There is a lot of, ermm, patina on this brass one, I think I will need to give this one a good clean.

I was so thrilled to find the next lot! Tiny little glass jars, with the proper wire closures like their big brothers, but so dinky! I am going to decorate them with some pretty vintage images and tiny laces and perhaps fill them with some vintage French buttons -

I also found THE most beautiful ever tablecloth at this vide greniers, incredible whitework embroidery, finest workmanship, fantastic condition, made my the vendor's grandmother almost a hundred years ago. I haven't taken photographs of it yet, I'll do that tomorrow and do a separate post about it. Together with the three antique French books, which I haven't photographed yet either. They have such beautifully aged pages, thick, handcut paper, just lovely.

But I did photograph a few things I found in a shop, like this adorable old tin, which was filled with buttons. Well, it was half filled, and I spent another 1 1/2 hours patiently going through all kinds of jars and boxes and tins, taking out some more MOP buttons, and adding them to the tin.

The images on the tin are just so precious, each side shows different scenes with the cutest little children -

You probably saw my France post the other day, and the pic of me sitting outside the cottage sorting through the buttons.............. hours of fun, lol, and this was the result, lots and lots of MOP buttons, some beautifully carved, some very large, some white, some grey, some very dark -

And a whole lot of other buttons, including some beautiful glass buttons, 19thC. jet buttons and some rather gorgeous Art Deco buttons -

I was also very lucky to find some antique French lace, some of it amazingly fine and narrow -

so perfect for embellishing the tiniest little treasures.

I also found some small pieces of the most delicately handmade broderie anglaise, just look at the fantastic workmanship -

But the one thing which I was really excited about was this beautiful vintage boite a poudre, face powder box, from L.T. Piver, one of the oldest and most prestigious Paris perfume houses. I think it dates from the 1940s, and it is PINK! Deliciously pink and white and utterly adorable, don't you think?

There you have it, my few finds from last week's stay in France. I am so looking forward to the summer and spending a couple of months there again. It was such a pleasure strolling through a vide greniers again after the long winter, and doing what I like best, haggling for little French treasures.

I hope the weather will be good enough tomorrow to take photos of the exquisite tablecloth I told you about earlier. Fingers crossed. Have a fantastic weekend,

toodlepip. xxx


  1. so, du siehst mich sabbernd und mit offenem mund vor dem bildschirm sitzen - deine schätze sind ja der wahnsinn!

    ich TRÄUME davon, eines tages auf einem französischen trödelmarkt zu stöbern... :)

    wunderbare dinge hast du da gefunden, die puderdose ist mein favorit :)

    viele liebe grüße

  2. Wow what wonderful finds. I am an old tool lover myself. I have some great treasures. Some were my great grandfathers.
    Thanks for sharing all the photos.

  3. Eh heh what fab finds - now I want to see what you're gonna do with them! Have a great weekend x

  4. What scrummy finds Liz - aawww that lace and the photo album - such treasures!
    Have a great weekend.

  5. OK! I'm jealous!! First of all because it's already warm and green where you were! Then...the buttons! And then....the lace! LOL!
    It looks like you had FUN, Liz!! :-)
    Hugs and thanks for the well wishes for my broken bones!
    Diane :-)

  6. OMG Liz, What a wonderful ambience at that flea market and you've hit the jackpot again! Those measuring sticks are the most beautiful ones, I've ever seen. The numbers on the wooden one are so pretty. Are they burned in? The photo album is wonderful too and the tin is very sweet. Of course I love the MOP buttons and the fantastic laces and embroidered pieces. The pink powder box is so cute. You must have had lots of fun at this vide grenier. Enjoy your great finds and have a lovely Sunday :-)!
    Big hugs,

  7. Wonderful finds liz. I LOVE the lace pieces ofcourse and the photo album is just perfect. Wonderful treasures.
    Have a wonderful sunday
    xo Tina

  8. I love the measuring sticks! Love the curly numbers! And the photo album! I'm a sucker for buttons so I'm coveting those too! And the lace! You lucky girl!
    Thanks for sharing with us. Always love to see your finds.

  9. MY DEAR lIZ, i JUST HAVE TO CORRECT YOU -LOL- This is not a few finds--this is a huge beautiful lot of fantastic finds-
    this amount we would never be able to collect on a greniers ,in DK-then it would be one kilometers long-:)
    I adore the Poudre box ,the laces-the album-the buttons-- shall I go on- :)
    awww you did great ,dearest Liz.
    Sunday hugs, to you--did you visit some friends in Street wiev?
    Smiles Dorthe

  10. Wow! What great finds- how do you do it!!
    I just love the old buttons and lace.

  11. Oh Liz so many wonderful treasures you have found, and we certainly can not have too many buttons buttons are wonderful to look at, and to use, love the old tin box iter so sweet and beautiful. Have a nice sunday.
    Hugs Anni

  12. I love those little jars, can't wait to see what you do with them. And the buttons, I envy you for finding the buttons, I can never find good buttons here.
    Looks like some great finds.

  13. I LOVE the clutch and oh the powder box is just gorgeous too! I love all your finds!

    Victoria x

  14. Oh how lovely! All the finds are magnificent! My favorite would have to be the french lace and the powder box! I have one like it, but with a different exterior.. more oval and with a picture of a french lady... Mine is a bit more worn out, but it still has the pillow and some of the powder still in it! So congrats on finding such great goodies! I absolutely love these kinds of sales, the things you can find! I cant wait to see the tablecloth.


  15. Hi Liz,
    wonderful finds!Love the lace and buttond and the old Album!!
    TFS!Have a wonderful day and enjoy your treasures.

  16. My poor keyboard, I am drooling all over it!!!! WOW Liz what incredible finds. Be still my heart!!! The lace, the buttons, the jars. the album, Oh my!!
    I'd be in heaven to find such things. Enjoy your treasures!
    Hugs Lynn


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