Tuesday 26 April 2011

SECOND Post today, Every Inchie Challenge Catch up

I suppose being a bit poorly with a stinking cold is kind of an excuse, right? I didn't do any kind of crafting last week, my muse had packed her bags and gone into hiding, trying to avoid the sneezes and splutterings and coughs. Now that she is back again, I am trying to catch up with everything ( I know, AGAIN, sigh ), and you get two inchies for the price of one, hurrah!

Firstly, last week's inchie challenge - FRIENDS - again, three different backgrounds, pick the one you like best -

I went back to romantic images and glitter and sparklies for that one, it does please this romantic girl's heart. But for the next one, I used a different, more contemporary style. The theme for this week's challenge is JOY, and unfortunately, the tune of the song " Joy to the world " is now permanently stuck in my head. Darn.

Thats it for the second post today. I am going to have a cup of tea and a nibble of something or other, and then start the daunting task of doing a boot fair post. Last week's boot fair. Haven't even photographed the stuff from this weekend. Sigh. The post could be a little picture heavy, lol, as it was the first outdoor boot fair this year, and I may have spent more than I had intended to...............

Toodlepip xxx


  1. I have decided which inchie is the best but the friends inchie is great with the lace and joy to the world on the blue - have a nice day x

  2. Hi Liz,
    I like the middle one best.Beautiful inchie!
    Have a great day.

  3. Great inchies!! Love your Joy inchie. So perfect and yes that song is now bouncing around in my head. Maybe if I sing it loudly it will stop!

  4. What adorable inchies, Liz! Your romantic looking inchie is just adorable.


  5. I love this inchie - middle background is my favorite!

  6. Liz, dear- So lovely -the romantic aspect is very popular here in my heart :)
    and your number two is great,too--I think I like the number 3 background best, for both of them.
    Have a cosy evening-dear friend.

  7. So sorry you have the sniffles! Curling up with a cup of tea should do the trick. Can't wait to see the boot fair finds!

  8. I love your inchies - they are all totally gorgeous..... the middle one is my fave :)


  9. Hi Liz,
    Hope your cold is better today. Love your victorian inchie. I have always loved that friends graphic. Also love your JOY inchie too and that melody is going to be in my head all day. LOL Enjoyed your other post for the day too. Even with a bad cold your creative side can't stay down for long.
    Have a great Wednesday.
    Celestina Marie


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