Friday 25 March 2011

Woohoo, Tag Tuesday has been saved!

A few days ago Chris from Kard Krazy announced that she couldn't carry on with Tag Tuesday any longer as she was overloaded and something had to go. I was devastated but of course we all understand that we can only do so much. I am just so grateful to her that she got me thoroughly hooked on tags, I love making them. Hmm, you have probably noticed that already, lol.

Anyhoo, the wonderful Rebecca came to the rescue and took over the Tag Tuesday Challenge and I'd kiss the girl if she was right here, I am so happy. Her first challenge was " Think Spring ", which isn't that difficult at the moment, as we are having some gorgeous Spring sunshine.

This is what I came up with -

I used an image from the Flower Fairies of the Spring book by Cecily M. Barker, The Celandine Fairy, and printed out the Song of the Celandine Fairy as well. Stamped a few images for the background, embellished with a few flowers and leaves and a bit of vintage French trim and finished it off with the S P R I N G banner.

I even took it out into the garden to photograph it amonst some greenery, lol -

I am so happy Tag Tuesday is back, sigh. Huge thanks to Rebecca, who set up a lovely new blog just for this challenge. Do visit it here and see all the other gorgeous Spring tags.

Toodlepip, xxx


  1. Your tag is lovely. Very much a refreshing sign of Spring.


  2. Hi Liz,
    what a lovely spring tag!!Love it and all the details you put on.
    Happy Spring and a wonderful weekend.

  3. Oh how lovely! Your tag has all the pretty elements I love.

    Have a wonderful weekend.


  4. Such a gorgeous tag! And I love the header picture on your blog-makes me want to come visit!

    Is that a forsythia in bloom on the left? We have those in our yard as well!

    So glad you are playing!


  5. looks very lovely and springlike. love the flowerfairys too. best wishes and a nice weekend! di

  6. I so love the Flower fairies, and your tag is perfect.

  7. Hi Liz your tag is so pretty. I love all the details.

  8. I adore the Flower Faries, Liz, and your beautiful tag really drew me in when I saw the thumbnail photo on my blog! Thanks for the springtime inspiration!

  9. Dear Liz,- it is so lovely, and you made a wonderfull job bringing all this beautifull colors together.
    I love the fairies from C.M.Barker-and are so lucky to have collected some of the old editions of her books.
    Such a beautifull tag, sweet friend.

  10. Oh, I love your tag! It is a perfect spring tag!

  11. such a magical and beautiful tag.
    i like the image very much

  12. I've enjoyed reading your blog - especially your life in France...where is your cottage? It looks stunning! We're living in France - between Clermont Ferrand & St Etienne. I don't have as much time for crafts & blogging as I'd like - I have to w*rk!'s great to be here! I'll have to examine our Big Brocante sale in July with fresh eyes - I'm usually rather dismissive, but this year perhaps I'll look harder.
    Happy Blogging!

  13. Hi Liz,
    I am wondering if you would be my featured artist for this next week on my magazine blog! Just let me know if you'd like to be!

  14. Oh,Liz, I love the flower fairies! Some of my favorite art work and a nice hit of Spring. We need it! Debra

  15. Hi Lulu!
    Thanks for te visit. This is a gorgeous tag - just a perfect little garden fairy!
    Hope you have a wonderful weekend-Hugs,

  16. Such a lovely and soft looking tag. I love it.


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