Tuesday 22 March 2011

I could kiss that man

Mind you, if I did, the poor thing would probably never recover from it, lol, chuck in his job and become a hermit in the woods somewhere. But come on, when a person brings you pressie after pressie, you just feel the need to demonstrate how pleased you are, don't you? So far, my poor postman has managed to escape and avoid any physical demonstrations from me, lol, I guess the huge, silly grin on my face when I see the packages he hands to me is enough to ensure a very quick exit.

Where to start? Well, I received two more wonderful gifts from the OWOH event, and before you go, oh good grief, not more!, rest assured, they are the last ones. Honestly. A little while ago I received this beautiful journal, all the way from the Phillipines, from the lovely Diane -

It is such a stylish journal, and as I said to Diane in my email to her, I think I will use it record my treasured Vide Greniers finds in it. She also included this, isn't it pretty? -

A big thank you to you, Diane, for this sweet gift. You can visit her at her blog here

From Maggie I received this fabulous hand knitted hat. I was really looking forward to this one, as I had already decided that it would be my geocaching hat! I love the pretty colours -

I have already taken it out geocaching and it kept me nice and snuggly warm. Thank you, Maggie, its really great! Do check out her blog as well, you can find it here.

Ah, and then, then there is the birthday package which arrived for me yesterday. I knew it was on the way, because my dear dear friend told me she had sent something, and the little temptress showed a little sneak peek on her blog as well. But OMG, I couldn't believe my eyes when I opened the box, I had no idea. I tell ya though, you are really going to enjoy unpacking it with me, step by step, bit by bit. But....................... not today, lolol, you will have to wait until tomorrow for a separate post. Mean, I know. But I have an inchie to make tonight, lol, and hopefully get it posted before midnight. Yeah right.

Until tomorrow then, toodlepip, xxx


  1. Hi Liz,
    Wow, your postman has been busy, for sure!!! I love your new presents--amazing!!! I hope you really enjoy these wonderful gifts from special friends.

  2. Lucky girl!
    But you most surely deserve it all, my friend. :-)


  3. Hi Liz,
    thanks for sharing your wonderful treasures - lucky girl!Happy Birthday to you.Can't wait to see what sweet Dorthe send you:)
    Have a great day.

  4. Liz!
    I thught you were talking about your Hubby!!!
    I a so glad you showed some self control with the postman.....but I do the same thing when packages arrive! Especially yours!
    Heart hugs,


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