Friday 4 March 2011


Wednesday had been a sunny day, so of course yesterday was bound to be a rainy day again. That had been the pattern over the last few weeks, half a day or so of decent weather and then days on end of grey, miserable, wet weather. Yesterday morning sure looked that way. But to my utter surprise, the grey clouds vanished, and all of a sudden there was the blue sky and the sunshine again! What a relief!

I managed to take photos of a few bits and pieces which I had found over the last couple of weeks ( I'll post them tomorrow ), and I even ventured out into the garden. Of course the ground was still rather waterlogged, but I could see the beautiful flowers on the Hellebore (Christmas rose) which my parents-in-law had given me as a birthday present years ago and they called to me. I snipped a few of the blooms off and brought them inside, not quite knowing what I was going to do with them. I so love their delicate colours and I was beginning to wonder whether they would keep their colours if they were dried........... I thought that it would probably be best to dry them as quickly as possible to stop them going brown, so I plonked them on top of a radiator.

This morning I checked and I was thrilled to bits to find that they had dried beautifully and they had kept their colours. They looked like crinkled silk flowers, so delicate and so pretty, I just had to take some photographs. I can't believe how lucky we are again today, the sun is shining! It is bitterly cold, there was thick ice on the cars along the road this morning, but I have decent light to take photographs, woohoo!

Here they are, my beautiful silky and delicate dried flowers -

Have a great weekend! Toodlepip xxx


  1. Lucky you. They are beautiful. Carol

  2. Hellebores are so lovely at this time of year. I float mine in a bowl so that the little faces are looking up at me!

  3. They dried beautifully! I especially love the last two photos. So pretty!

  4. They are fantastic beautifully dried, Liz-
    what a color, and what fragile and soft look- Love them, dear.
    Hugs, Dorthe

  5. Those dried Helleborus looks so pretty Liz. What a great idea. Helleborus is my favorite flower.
    Wishing you a wonderful weekend.
    xo Tina

  6. Liz they do look like very expensive or vintage silk flowers. What beauties.

  7. It's amazing how beautifully these flowers have dried, Liz! Wonderful!
    I love the pretty bowl too.
    Have a great weekend and I keep my fingers cross for sunshine :-).
    Hugs to you,

  8. Gorgeous flowers, enjoy the weather and your weekend!


  9. Oh wow, so gorgeous, Liz!!! And I love your photos...they are exquisite!

  10. I saw some flowers that looked just like that at the scrapbooking shop this week. So pretty, wouldn't they look wonderful on a card? Enjoy the warm days while you have them. It's actually pouring down here, not had that for ages.

  11. Hi Liz, Oh how pretty. Your flowers dried beautifully and the color so soft.
    Love your pics. These little beauties look gorgeous against your crocheted doily and vintage dish.

    Thank you for stopping by and your birthday wishes.
    Have a great weekend.
    Hugs, Celestina Marie XO

  12. Ich wusste gar nicht dass man Christrosen trocknen kann. Tolle Fotos und Blüten :)
    Ich wünsch dir ein sonniges Wochenende meine Liebe.
    Hugs Alexandra

  13. Deine Blumen sind wirklich klasse geworden! Superschön!!


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