Wednesday 23 February 2011

YAY! The third one has arrived!

I am such a lucky girl, I know. And a soppy one as well, lol. I get all teary and silly grinny when I receive a package. Yesterday was such a day again. The smiling postman handed me two, yep TWO packages and wished me a wonderful day. How very sweet of him.

One of the packages was another OWOH door prize. You know when you enter a giveaway and it is for something that you would really love having in your home? Well, all the wonderful OWOH gifts which I have won, are just like that, really lovely little treasures.

This one is destined for France as well, because it is just perfect for the cottage. Inside the package was this very pretty gift bag -

And inside the pretty bag was this -

And inside that was this -

The sweetest mini canvas which I had won from Sarah, whose blog you can find here. Check it out, she is quite amazing.

I have to show you the details on this darling little thing, I love all the embellishments -

Look at these swirls, now why can't I draw swirls like that? -

Adorable teeny tiny lace roses -

And this gorgeous little treasure..............

is of course going to live in France, in the blue bedroom -

I'll take pics of where I am going to put it when we next go to the cottage.

The second package I was going to show you tomorrow, but then I thought, no, I am going to save this one for Pink Saturday, which I love but have never taken part in, so you will have a little longer to find out what it is. The Pink Saturday might have given you a little hint though, lol.

Toodlepip xxx


  1. What a treasure and yes, you are one lucky gal! Enjoy!Can't wait to see what other treasures you won.
    Have a great day,Liz.

  2. At least your postman is a smiling man...mine moans each time he delivers me a package..
    You're such a lucky girl, Lizzie!

  3. oh how lovely! ^^<3
    would brighten up anybody`s day to receive such prettyness ^^d

  4. Liz, you are the winningest girl I know! Lucky girl! Beautiful prize! It will go great in your blue room.
    Have a great day.

  5. Are you going to have to buy another house just for all the lovelies you make and receive?!!! Heehee
    JJ xx

  6. What a beautiful little picture! The little lace roses are too cute. I'm looking at it and thinking maybe I could make one, but I really don't think so. Sarah is one very clever lady.

  7. such beautiful treasures and i love them all

  8. Yep, you are the lucky one a adore the small canvas it'll be such a timeless and also talking point on any wall xx

  9. Oh Liz, this is divine!! What a beautiful surprise! I'm going to go visit her blog now...Have a happy day!!!

  10. Hi friend- hi lucky you- so beautifull gifts you have recieved, and this is a little lovely one- I can see how well it will fit into your so sweet blue bedroom, Liz-
    Have a lovely evening, dear.
    xoxoxo Dorthe

  11. Oh sooo beautiful.
    Guess what - we are all coming to France to view this in the blue room!!

  12. Hi Liz
    What wonderful gifts you have received. Looks like you are having fun collecting for your house in France! I gather that is the same house above which we recently saw covered in snow! Are you getting some sunshine there now?
    Love, Suzy


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