Sunday 6 February 2011

Back from France and Every Inchie Monday challenge

Yoohoo, the wanderer returns! We got back from France last night, had a lovely time, of course, but I'll you all about that later. I can't believe how many posts I will have to work my way through over the next few days! Not just the normal posts from the blogs on my reading list, but also around 800 blogs, which are participating in the " One World One Heart " event. 800 SO FAR, that is.

Not only that, but I also only just managed to get back in time to take part in the Every Inchie Monday challenge for this week, as well as the Tag Tuesday challenge. Gulp. As the inchie challenge week finishes today, I thought I had better get cracking on that one first. The theme for this week was "mirthful". That immediately made me think of jolly old garden gnomes with their red apple cheeks and their twinkly eyes and their ever present mirthful laugh. The gnome image came from a book I have had for 30 years, and which I adore, simply titled "Gnomes", by Rien Poortvliet and Wil Huygen.

Here it is then, my "mirthful" inchie -

It turned into a bit of a 3-dimensional inchie, because of his rather big cap. I scrunched it and pulled it straight up, and I quite like the effect.

Thats it for now, got sooooooooo much reading to do and Tag Tuesday challenge tag to make.

Toodlepip xxx


  1. Welcome back, Liz! Your inchie is cute and so funny!!!
    Since you had forgotten to pick me up on your way South, you had that lovely trip without me and I'm pouting as you can imagine ;-). Hopefully you thought at least of me while having some awesome French food, visiting some antique shops or brocantes or while searching for some caches.
    Have fun during the next days visiting all the OWOH participants and I'm looking forward to seeing what you will come up with :-).
    Big HUGS,
    PS: My word verification is "dishess". Doesn't that sound like a royal dish?

  2. Liz, dear friend.
    Welcome back, I`m so happy to have you here again- have thought about you a lot the last many dayes,a bit worried--- untill remembering that you actually was having a wonderfull hollyday ,lol
    Can`t wait to hear and see, what you have been doing in France-found goodies? I`m almost sure about that last question, that the answer is a yes :)

    Your little gnome- is so cute, and a wonderfull mirthfull inchie.
    Many hugs,

  3. Welcome back, Liz! I hope you enjoyed your wonderful holiday in France! Can't wait to hear what you have to share.
    Your inchie gnome is so cute and love the way you made it 3-D.
    I will be posting my giveaway here shortly! Come visit when you get a chance!

  4. Liz,
    What an adorable inchie! I love gnomes and your 3-D effect is clever. The quote is so cute!

  5. Oh you are back again!! Cute inchie today, well done. Thanks so much for the girls cards, they do enjoy them. Catch up later on.

  6. Welcome back! Hope you had a good time and took lots of lovely photos- we are still buried in snow here and getting real sick of it. Could use some looks at greenery!

  7. Hi Liz,
    welcome back and I hope you had a wonderful time.Your inchie is so cute. Have a wonderful Sunday.

  8. Great inchie! Love the dimension. It is really so fun and joyous. Great work!

  9. Wonderful little inchie! It made me smile!

  10. Oh no Lizzie!!! After reading 800 blogs you will need another holiday, LOL!
    Love your inchie, gnomes are such funny chaps!

  11. Liz your gnome made me smile, he is so wonderful, fantastic inchie.
    Hug Anni


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