Monday 3 January 2011

Oh boy, did it get me!

Just a short one to let you know that I am still alive, just, lol, and to thank you all for your concerned emails and messages. Day after Boxing Day I came down with a proper flu, which knocked me for six, and just when I thought I was on the road to recovery, I got this streaming cold a couple of days ago. So I am out of bed but still snuggled up on the settee most of the time, especially as we are still without central heating. Seems like forever since the boiler gave up on us, and the heating engineer has been 4 or 5 times now and still hasn't been able to find the fault. Of course over Christmas and New Year nobody was working, so he will be back again tomorrow, touch wood, to have yet another go at fixing the darned thing. The house is like an icebox, we are just heating a couple of rooms with halogen heaters, and my workroom ( where the computer is ) isn't one of them, lol. So off I go again, back to my snuggly settee and my doggies, who keep me warm also.

I'll be back soon, hopefully with cheerier ( and warmer ) news!

Toodlepip, xxx

Darn, I totally forgot to say, I hope you all had a great stress free Holiday Season and started the New Year well. Hugs all round!


  1. You poor thing! I have the opposite problem that my heater only works on turbo so it's toooo hot although that's better than cold!

    Hope you feel better and your heating is sorted out very soon,

    Victoria xx

  2. What a rotten thing to happen, first illness and then the heating, and all over Christmas too. Poor you. Hope that all will be well very soon.

  3. Oh I hope you feel better soon and that your heating will be back on as well. Not good. Enjoy snuggling with your dogs.

  4. Oh, no =-( I hope you are feeling better and warmer soon! The dogs must be enjoying having you to snuggle with on the couch! Don't you just love them to pieces?? Get well SOON!

  5. Oh Gott du Arme, ich wünsche dir gute Besserung meine Liebe und ein fröhliches neues Jahr wenn ich das noch nicht getan habe (bin etwas verwirrt in den letzten Tagen :O ) Hoffentlich geht deine Heizung bald wieder. Deine vierbeinigen Wärmflaschen sollen dich mal schön warmhalten.
    Knuddel Alexandra

  6. Oh Liz,
    how awfull, I thought the heater was fixed long ago--as it is very long ago you first mentioned it to me!!!
    And sweet friend- a cold after your flu--is just too darn too much,--then in a cold house, how could you be warm ,and well again .

    I so hope for you,that your heating man, can finally do something,when arriving --and that you will soon be able to enjoy all the house, and that you are well again.
    Hope you are served with warm soup, and a warm toddy before bed-time.
    Take care sweetie, and big hug.

  7. oh dear, hope you feel better soon.

  8. huch, was les ich da? dich hat es ja ordentlich erwischt! ich hoffe mal, es geht dir inzwischen schon besser!

    die viren und bazillen haben es aber momentan über den ganzen kontinent geschafft, auch hier sind alle krank oder husten und niesen herum...

    augen zu und durch - was uns nicht umbringt, macht uns nur stärker ;-)

    in diesem sinne eine gute nacht, erhol dich schön... und hoffentlich funktioniert deine heizung ganz bald wieder. ich würde eingehen, ohne heizung, ich friere soooo schnell *g*

    alles liebe,

  9. Oh dear what a shame!
    Hope you are well soon ( and the heating is fixed !!)

  10. I am so sorry to hear all this! Has to be the worst winter to have the heat go out. Hope you feel better soon, I'm sending you a little package. Keep warm!!

  11. Feel better soon and I hope that heat gets fixed soon. That has to be awful.......cozy up with those pups.

  12. I'm so sorry to hear that you are sick, Liz and cold on top of that!
    I am on the road to recovery too. I was sick all through Christmas too and now my husband, daughter and grandson have it now too! We were hit hard too. But we have heat thank goodness! We HAVE to get well but Sunday as we are heading to Hawaii next Monday!
    Praying and sending you get-well wishes and heat!

  13. Prayers for warmth and wellness for you my dear. Hopefully you have heat and are feeling better by now. No way to begin a new year. Blessings...

  14. Oh :( , I hope you'll be well soon and the heating'll be fixed !

  15. Oh no not the heating out too! That's really the icing on the cake. I hope they find the fault before you freeze. Lots of nice hot cups of tea in the meantime and make sure those men of yours don't let the mending men out until it's fixed this time.

  16. Happy New year, if you can say that to somebody who's ill and does not have any heating! Anyway, I hope you get well soon!


  17. Sending you lots of healing warmth and bug fighting goodness. Sorry to hear your plight, I do hope all is restored soon. x Happy New Year.

  18. Oh Liz, get well and ge warm soon!

  19. Glad you're feeling a bit better :-)
    Keep warm and snuggly.
    JJ xx

    PS How does that song go? "Silence is golden" or something like it. (I may as well start the new year in trouble, lol)

  20. Liz, sometimes this is the ONLY way to actually relax: in an enforced way. *sigh* Sorry to hear that you had to succumb to the relaxing bug! Not so much fun. Hope you are on the mend and back to your active and feisty self really quick!
    Hugs! :-)

  21. Only just read your post. We'll look forward to hearing from you again when you feel your muscles and bones have grown back. Poor thing. Stay snuggled. xx

  22. Hi Liz,
    hope you'll feel better soon!!
    Stay warm.

  23. So so sorry to hear you are not feeling well.
    Do hope you get well soon.

    Many thanks for the knowledge on how to tell MOP buttons!! I do think the majority of them were just that!!

    I posted your comment on my blog so others could learn it too.

    blessings and well wishes.

    barbara jean

  24. When your feeling better and warmed up please come over to my blog to meet me.I'm a new follower.I browsed your blog afer seeing something you made,I think.HeHe I really don't remember now,senior moment.

  25. Hi there! So sorry to read that you had the flu. I hope that you are on the mend now, it can be quite nasty.
    Did I already wish you a HEALTHY, happy and good thrifting New Year? I lost count, sorry, but I do wish you all the best, better twice than not at all.

  26. Liebe Liz, hoffe, dass Du Dich jetzt wieder besser fühlst und auch Eure Heizung wieder funktioniert! Wünsche Dir einen schönen Tag! Liebe Grüße, Viola


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