Tuesday 25 January 2011

Every Inchie Monday on Tuesday, late again, lol

This week's inchie challenge on Every Inchie Monday really was quite a challenge, the word we had to interprete was "maudlin". Hmmm. Ok, I knew the meaning of the word, but I just couldn't think of how to combine that with my usual vintage/victorian style.

I knew the kind of image I wanted. I knew the words I wanted to use. I also knew that I didn't have anything remotely like the image I needed on my computer. Enter one loudly complaining son, a beer mug and a trigger happy, camera toting mum, lol. It took ages to get the kind of photo I needed, because we both burst out laughing every couple of seconds. In the end it was the very last photo I took which turned out to be THE one. Because by then he was thoroughly fed up. I messed about with it a bit in Photoshop, and there you have it, completely different to my usual style,

My Maudlin Inchie -

I ought to be doing my Tag Tuesday challenge as well, but, guess what? We have been geocaching again today. It was a beautiful morning for a change. DH always takes the dogs for a walk in the Firehills, and as there were a few caches listed in the Firehills, DS3 and I decided to accompany him on his walk.

The first cache we looked for was right in the woods. The dogs were no help at all, but were very intrigued when they saw DS3 and myself hunting around through leaf mould and digging under fallen ivy covered trees, lol.

Ahem, there were so many fallen trees close to the co-ordinates, we tried quite a few before we found the right one. This was the cache with little swaps, hidden under the fallen tree -

See that Guinness beer mat in the middle? I swapped that one out. I thought it was a nice image and could well be used in a collage...... Crafting is always on my mind, lol.

Cache found, we then caught up with DH and the doggies, and did the usual round with them -

Two nicely tired out doggies were then taken home by DH, and DS3 and I then started looking for another cache. It was a thoroughly lovely womble -

Sitting on one of the clues to lead us to the cache -

The sun was so bright, it created really interesting silhouettes -

Lovely way to spend a few hours with mother nature.

My DS3 had worked up such an appetite, we decided to have a proper English Fry Up when we got home. He demolished all this -

Don't worry, we only have this once in a blue moon, maybe once or twice a year. But we really fancied it today. Must have been due to the bracing sea winds.

And my Tag Tuesday challenge tag? Well, that will be a Wednesday one, again, lol.

Toodlepip xxx


  1. How that son of yours puts up with it is beyond me. The things you make that poor, poor boy do for you....well, has he tried ringing Childline? I'll back him up if he needs evidence for his case, lol.

    Lovely pics of all the rest - I've never known you venture outside so much :-D

    JJ xx

  2. OMG your inchie is hilarious! I have my own beer drinker at home and this just made me burst out laughing.
    Your pups are beautiful and so are your photos.

  3. Wow, your inchie is really great and fun!!!!
    And mine was a Tuesday inchie, too!!!!


  4. Great inchie, you are lucky you have such a patient son! Sounds like you get up to such fun together.

    The fresh air must be doing you the world of good.

  5. Poor, poor Nick. Send him to Aunty Joy, I'll look after him.

    This geocaching seems quite popular, I know a few peeps who do it.

  6. I can't believe all that snow you had is gone!! When it falls here it all stays until April. Lucky you! The inchie is great and the breakfast looks fantastic!

  7. Fabulous my friend. You make me smile!


  8. How nice that your son was so cooperative. Great maudlin inchie.

  9. That is one fantastic inchie! I can't imagine what I would have done with "maudlin"!

    I didn't realize geocaching (?) involved swaps, too. What fun!

    Enjoying your blog...

  10. Smart doggies! I would totally beg you to bring me along geocaching. My husband would *never* want to. Unless, of course, I can bribe him with that Fry Up... Hmm. Not in Switzerland though, huh. Oh, was that your son's reward? :D

  11. That inchie is hysterical! I can imagine how it went. So funny. And as for the glittery tears, really!

    Glad you had a great time out in the cold. Fab breakfast/lunch you made afterwards. I'll have a plate of that if you're offering.

  12. Liz, he looks finished,LOL--how great an idea, sweet.
    And after such a wonderfull tour-your surroundings are breathtakingly beautifull- no wonder you love walking in that pretty soft landscape.
    your meal looks yummy :)
    Hugs, from Dorthe

  13. Liz, that's how I pictured "maudlin" too - someone acting sappy after having too much to drink. And I have no images like that. Yours is great! Perfect!

    Oh, your breakfast!!! Yum!

  14. Dear Liz, fantastic inchie you have made, poor boy crying in his beer, wonderful and sweet dogs, now I will make my inch for last week and this week, I'm also late.
    Hugs Anni

  15. Clever interpretation! Love the dogs!

  16. Ups ist das eine moderne Schnitzeljagd :)
    Deine Hunde sind zum knuddeln Süße
    Hugs Alexandra


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