Sunday 19 December 2010

A little bit of colour in a snow white world

Yes, it is indeed snowing again here on the Sussex coast. Big soft white flakes gently tumbling down as, just for a change, there is very little wind. A white world again, which is quite beautiful to look at. But, a little colour is also rather lovely to look at, especially if it comes in the form of........


I have absolutely no idea why it is so difficult to get the old fashioned silky, soft, shiny, tactile seam binding here in the UK, but almost impossible it proved to be. I couldn't find any locally, I could only find a a couple of places on the net with a very limited number of colours, and the one supplier I found on Ebay here in the UK and ordered from with a huge grin on my face, promptly made me cry the same day by telling me that she would have to withdraw all her listings as she had broken her wrist. Of course you can get millions of colours of the most delicious seam binding in the States. Can I admit to being ever such a teeny bit envious of the wonderful, plentiful supplies you can get over there? Sigh. And not just on the net, but also in the most fabulous craft stores, double sigh.

So, I had told myself that ordering seam binding from the States was perfectly ok, as it was my husband's Christmas present to me. He didn't know it then, but hey, men occasionally need a little help in the pressie department. Of course, when the beautiful stuff arrived, I told him what he had bought me for Christmas, and he promptly burst out laughing as he saw me sitting there, grinning like crazy and gently stroking my seam bindings. Who needs diamonds and pearls, when they can have seam binding, lol?

Enough said, have a look at the gorgeous colours I picked -

Some browns and neutrals -

and some delicious pastels -

So very lovely. And then there were, ahem, these -

more neutrals -

prettiest pinks -

and gorgeous greens -

Aaah, see, my darling husband has done it again, found me the perfect Christmas present, just what I have always wanted ;-).
Girls, this is Christmas week, isn't it exciting??? Don't stress over anything, enjoy yourselves, and have fun getting the last few things ready for the big day.

I am off to wrap a few more pressies now. Toodlepip xxx


  1. Liz, I can't think of one good reason why you should have thought twice about buying these delicacies!
    Hugs, Diane


  3. Liz,
    Your Hubby is awesome! Funny that you can't find seam binding there and I can't find it here in the US! Can you reveal your source so I can place a huge order too? I will look forward to your projects using the glorious stuff!
    Have a wonderful Christmas!

  4. It all looks so lovely just as is in the photos and I can understand how you might drool over it too. I am intrigued to see how you make use of it though and can't wait for the big reveal!


  5. You are just too funny. I wish you had said something - I could've sent you some!!!! I have spools of it! LOL! Gee - are you surprised? I have a wonderful source!
    I think that is the perfect Christmas present. When we get to be our age - nobody knows what the heck we want when we try to explain it - it's just easier this way!
    And then - it's perfect!
    HUGS! Today is wrapping day for me!
    :) karen

  6. Hi Liz,
    I just LOVE seam binding and your husband did good!LOL. I'd rather have that than diamonds too!:)There is a great company that you can order from that sells it by 100 yards for 7.95. Every color that you can imagine! Here is the website if you want to just brouse. I want every color they have! Enjoy this Christmas week and the snow!

  7. What yummy colors! Lucky girl. ;) My hubby laughs at me too, because I usually end up doing some goofy happy clap when my crafty packages arrive.

    If you even need more in large quantities, or if you'd like to get just white and try dying it yourself, there is a company that I order from online in the states. It's zipperstop dot com, and you can get 100 yards for US $7.95 with US $4.95 shipping. Of course, you can get more... shipping goes up some, but it's not terribly awful. Can't speak for the taxes going into the UK, though. Just thought I'd enable you some more, since I am addicted to the stuff myself!

    Have fun in the snow! Merry Christmas. ;)

  8. What makes that seam binding and not ribbon? I always thought seam binding had folded over edges. Who knew?!! So glad you man has come through once again and provided you with many hours of stroking and fondling. Does that sound bad or what?!! Do have fun with your pretty new colours. Clearly you have many new projects in the pipeline.

  9. You sure you've got enough to last? Very pretty though :-)

    JJ xx

  10. Liz, dearest-wow- I see what you wrote me --oh my they are big bunches of the most delicate colours,and wonderfull soft seam bindings--Your dear husbond endeed gives you a fantastic present :)
    And I`m sure ,that he will not doubt it after reading our comments,here :))
    --You will here from my week-end later dear friend.

  11. Hi Liz, your silk ribbons are so wonderful, love the colors, what a great gift from your husband, I also order what I want my husband to give me - I love getting new books, your new pin cushions are wonderful, great idea to make them on candlesticks. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
    Hugs Anni

  12. I know exactly what you mean about getting (or rather not getting)beautiful seam binding in the UK. Why is that? As you say, the US colours are to die for and so pretty - it's most unfair!

    Your colours are fabulous my dear - enjoy them!

    The Other Barbara D! :)

  13. How very sweet and thoughtful of you to help hubby get you the perfect present. Love your finds and know you will create the most fabulous things. Happy Holly Jolly Joy to you...

  14. Hi Liz,
    what a wonderful hubby you have!
    The colors are gorgeous.
    Have a very Merry Christmas.

  15. Your silk ribbons are divine! The colors are simply amazing!

    Warm Christmas wishes to you and yours! Health, Happiness and may all of your dreams come true for 2011!

    Gaby xo

  16. I'd love my dad to be like your husband, because he keeps stalking me for mum's present! :)
    Have a lovely week!

  17. Love your seam binding, Liz! The colors are really gorgeous. I also bought mine in the States. In Deutschland war es auch absolut nicht zu finden. Viel Spaß damit! Wünsche Dir und Deiner Familie ein wunderschönes Weihnachtsfest! Ganz liebe Grüße, Viola :-)

  18. Beautiful colors! I'm glad two of your comments give an online source for such pretty binding. Thanks!

  19. So glad you found your loverly binding in all the perfect colors! Can't wait to see what you are going to do with them all....wishing you and your loved ones a beautiful and loving Christmas! xo...deb

  20. They are beautiful Liz, I am so glad you found what you wanted and your wonderful hubby was pleased.
    Wishing you a most blessed week, this wonderful Christmas week

  21. Seam binding a great Christmas gift? YES! YES! YES! Your hubby did great ;-)!!! I love that stuff too. It's so soft. Marie and I bought 3 rolls each and then exchanged some yardage to get a greater variety of colors. To get even more shades, I dyed some of the ribbon.

  22. You have such a wonderful husband. Amazing how he selected just the right colors and textures for you. Definately a keeper...the husband and the seam binding!
    p.s. thanks so much for entering my giveaway.

  23. Oh how did I miss this lovely silky seam binding post?! Lovely Liz and a perfect present!


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