Monday 29 November 2010

Winter carboot fairs are not terribly inspiring

There is very little in the way of vintage to be had. So why do I go? Well, you just never know, do you? Amongst the many piles of clothes, toys, modern china etc, there might just be a teeny weeny little something that takes my fancy. And the habit is just so hard to break.

So yesterday morning my long suffering hubby and I set off to have a look at the one and only indoor boot fair in the area. The weather was pretty bad, it had snowed, it was grey and overcast and people had obviously preferred to stay at home, in bed, or in front of a lovely warm fire, lol. The hall was only half full. We wombled about, picked up a thing or two, went to the exit, and out into............ a snow storm! Ooops. The weather had changed so dramatically in just the half hour we had been inside. Thankfully we didnt have a long drive. Oh, I do love cars with heated seats.

Do you know what? I just realised that the photos I took today are from the boot fair and jumble sale LAST weekend, lol. I haven't unpacked the bag from yesterday. Not that there is much to unpack. Ouch, old age is not much fun, rofl. Guess I'll have to do yesterday's tomorrow then.

So, here are the pics from last weekend, sigh -

60s/70s is not really my thing, but this small purple bowl is such a luscious, rich colour, I had to have it -

Modern as well, but I do love these silver plated star shaped boxes. They just need a good polish -

What a great American pack of cards! Well, the game itself it quite ordinary, but I love the back of the cards, the graphics are so funny -

A sweet little jug, a girl can never have too many little jugs/pitchers -

Oh look, lol, another little pitcher, this time an Ironstone one -

And talking of Ironstone, I also found this really pretty brown transferware Ironstone plate -

A few bits of jewellery. The pink heart necklace is a modern one, from Avon, but the rose quartz heart is so pretty, I want to use it in a fabric collage -

Pretty little rosary though -

The colour of this little vase made me go WOW! Isn't it just so pretty? -

A Sylvac vase -

A gorgeous little dressing table tray, for your rings, or change, any little bits and pieces really. They also make lovely little pen trays for your desk -

I adore this little glass jar with the silver lid, which is just crying out to be gently embellished, don't you think?

As I said before, yesterday's will (probably) show up tomorrow, lol. Until then, toodlepip xxx


  1. No wonder you go - - - treasures all! I'm especially partial to the first pitcher and the dresser dish.

  2. Ooh that turquoise jug/vase looks interesting, the sort of thing that turns up on the Antiques Roadshow and gets valued at thousands! Sweet little violet jug too.

    Have a lovely week x

  3. Pretty items! You know I see those cards all the time and never really studied the backs, they are rather funny!

  4. Your treasures from last week are wonderful. Glad you are safe from the snowstorm. Warm and cozy week to you...

  5. Yes that sweet little container sure needs a pretty ribbon at least! Very nice collection of jugs too. The green vase is really beautiful, love the flowers on it.

  6. These really are wonderful treasures you have found. I love the turquoise vase and the rosary beads the most. Gorgeous!

  7. Either I don't go to the right places or I don't have the right knack as I never see anything remotely interesting at car boots - you have founds some gems here and I adore the little violet jug.


  8. Ooooo!! You found some GORGEOUS goods!! Those little pitchers and rose try are yummy, but that silver dresser jar and lid are DIVINE!!!

  9. You do find some interesting things. I love the ironstone jug, so pretty.

  10. Whoah, I just read your blog like half an hour and got addicted. It's so sweet and you've really got some talent. :)

    You just got one new reader. :)

  11. You just seem to get them all the time don't you! Wonderful treasure filled post. I bet you can guess which one I like best ;- )

  12. Very nice wombling missus :-)

    JJ xx

  13. Hi sweetie!
    First, thanks for playing in my 12 days of Christmas give-a-ways at Yaya Chique! Hope you keep playing, because there is even more to come---and never fear, I do ship overseas!

    Is that picture on the header your home? I LOVE it! Great little treasures you have there, glad y'all didn't get in any trouble out there in the "elements"! xo...deb

  14. Love the treasures you found, it was worth getting out in the cold for. My favorite piece is the glass jar with the silver jid, it's gorgeous!!! Thanks for sharing your wonderful finds!
    Blessings~~~ Daphne

  15. Some nice little finds there. I particularly liked the rosary.Happy hunting
    Jayne x

  16. Klasse, Rosenkränze mag ich auch sehr gerne. Man kann die wirklich super dekorieren.
    Süße du hast ja richtig viel gebloggt in den letzten Tagen, mir war gar nicht bewusst das ich schon solange nicht mehr online war. :O


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