Thursday 30 September 2010

Vide Greniers Finds

A few days ago I found another bag I had brought back from France with a few more vide greniers finds. I had put it away in the room where I keep a lot of the treasures which I plan to sell eventually, when I can bear to part with them, lol. Of course, I promptly forgot about it. But then I got this niggling feeling that I had forgotten to do something. I suppose my brain finally kicked in, lol, and I remembered the bag. So here we are with a few more pics of French goodies. A few of the things I bought in France I actually left at the cottage, because, well, they just fitted in so beautifully. I'll show you those first, I think.

This was one of the very first things I bought this summer, and I was absolutely thrilled to bits. I had coveted one of these beautiful old 1930s deck chairs for a very long time. I couldn't believe my luck when I finally found one, and in such fabulous condition as well -

A couple of other things for the garden, like this gorgeous green watering can -

and this oh so tactile wooden carrier thingy. The handle is so smooooooooooooth!

I finally found a lovely old birdcage, now I just need a birdie to go in it!

Oh, and this beautiful tin. It took me a while to buy it, I walked away once, and then went back again half hour later, and finally decided I had to have it, even though it cost me much more than I would normally pay for a tin. But just look at the beautiful design! Plus, it is really big, and plus plus, it has the proper key with it! And it is in really lovely condition as well. You agree, don't you, I couldn't have left it on the stand -

At the moment, both the birdcage and the fish tin are living on top of the indoor dog kennel, until I find a proper place for them -

This little curtain was almost the perfect size for the front door. I love how beautifully the design shows up with the sunlight behind it-

I never remember to take photographs as vide greniers, I guess I just concentrate too much on finding lovely treasures. I often have a camera with me, lol, it just never sees the light of day. On this one occasion though, I actually managed to whip the camera out, but only because our friend Paul, DS3's workmate, was with us. I snapped him snapping. But isn't the location lovely? All along the lakeside -

Oh dear, I have done it again, haven't I? This post is already so long, and I haven't even touched on the stuff I had in the bag. Hmm. Tomorrow, girls? I think I had better make it a separate post, before you start yawning your heads off.

Enjoy whatever you are doing today, toodlepip xxx


  1. Hi Lizzie!
    First of all thank you so much for the lovely comment you left me last night!
    The little curtain is stunning..maybe the Kiwi Lady could sew you some of her pretty birds for your wonderful cage?!
    Have a good day!

  2. You've only gone and done it again!! Totally agree about the tin, to get the key as well is a rare bonus. Love love that curtain, absolutely beautiful. x

  3. You rally have some gorgeous things there Liz, the birdcage is beautiful, I agree with the above comment, some fabric birds would be lovely sat in it x

  4. Wow, you have found so many gorgeous things!! I'm super jealous. Can't wait to see what was in the bag...x

  5. Hi There!
    Don't worry about the long post because we love it!
    Everything is just gorgeous, I love the light coming through that wonderful curtain and the birdcage is fantastic!
    Have a blessed day!

  6. Sweet Liz,
    how many beautifull things, you found again,- I love the deckchair, it is wonderfull, and the tin,too-- but I must admit that I`m totally taken with the birdcage-that was a fantastic find, --I know that what is in your bag, will make me hold my breath, too.
    Happy evening, and sleep well- friend.
    Hugs ,Dorthe

  7. Waht fantastic finds! I especially love the deckchair, its gorgeous!

  8. Love the birdcage and curtain!
    Great finds!

    Have a wonderful Thursday!

  9. Well you definitely couldn't have left that wonderful tin behind! What a lovely location for the vide greniers.

    Deckchair is perfect for relaxing in the sun - looks very inviting. :-)

  10. Hi Lizzy, your post is not to long. You made wonderful photos and you bought many fantastic treasures! Have a nice weekend my friend. Hugs Alexandra

  11. The deck chair is fantastic, Liz! I would have been thrilled too to find one like that. I also love the carrier thingy and the pretty bird cage. The curtain looks great at your front door!

  12. Love all your treasures!!!


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