Friday 20 August 2010

Good grief, JJ posted!

Tehehehe, so I have to disappear for a couple of months to get my partner in crime to post on here, lol! We are visiting our dear friends again, you know the ones with internet access, hurrah, and I just had to take a few mins to come on here and say hello to all my lovely bloggie friends. My youngest son, the tree surgeon and his work colleague are with us this week, doing stirling work on some of our trees, bless them. They worked so hard, I get quite teary.

On the big news front, my middle son phoned me last week. Telcon went as follows-

Son - Hello Mum, how are you today

Me - Ohoh, I know that tone of voice, whats up

Son - Nothing Mum, giggle, just phoning to see how you are

Me - Stefan, I know you, whats UP!!!

Son - Mum, you love Gracie lots, don´t you

Me - Yes, of course we do, WHATS UP


.......................... Big silence ..................... Me / OMG OMG OMG, really, wow, congratulations!

Yep, we are going to be grandparents again, lol.

Apart from that, its just such a hard life here, lol, tending my little vegetable plot, going to vide greniers, playing with the dogs, eating French food.............. Do I really have to go back to England.......

Right, my time is up, gotta go and socialise. I miss you gals, and I can´t wait to catch up with you all.

Dorthe and Sarah - letters are in the mail !!!

Big hugs to to you all, toodlepip xxx

JJ you old tart, I miss you oodles!!!


  1. Sounds like you are having a fabby time! Congratulations to your family on the lovely child/grandchild news too!! You must be thrilled :O) xx

  2. Congratulations on being grandparents again!

    I do however have to lodge a complaint - "big hugs to you all" and "letters in the mail"......what do I get? "JJ you old tart.....".
    Humph, last time I look after your blog you old bat, rofl.

    Glad you're having a lovely time - enjoy it
    JJ xxxx

  3. LIZ, so good to hear from you-and congratulations grandma to be again :) how wonderfull for you.
    Sweetie,-- I hope your letter to me means ,you got mine ?it was send 11/8 from here.
    Life seems "very hard " endeed, poor you (hi,hi) you better leave for old England, so you can relax again :)

    Many hugs, dear from

  4. Oooh I see another wee lankie coming on!! How jolly exciting for you all. A lovely little baby to cuddle again will be lovely won't it?

    So you must have received my letter in the mail I take it. I eagerly await yours! Impressive with all that hard work you are supervising, oh I mean doing. Silly me. Have fun and hurry back, we miss you soooo much. Even if you are pain in the neck sometimes. Sometimes we need a pain like that around. Ha ha.

  5. Congratulations!!!!!!

    That's wonderful news!!!!

  6. Liz, You poor thing!!! What a hard life you have in the Provence! Going to vide greniers, playing with the dogs, eating French food instead of going to boot fairs, playing with the dogs and eating English food -how can you stand all that, lol?
    I'm looking forward to seeing what treasures you have found at the vide greniers :-). Enjoy the rest of your stay!!!
    Hugs to you,

  7. What wonderful, happy news.

    Just stopping in to visit a sorority sister.

  8. Hi Lululiz, I have tagged you, here :
    hope you will understand... I have added a translator at the top of my blog,hope it works well...

    Hugs !!


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