Sunday 23 May 2010

Sunday is for.....

...going to car boot sales of course! Oh, it was bliss wombling about in brilliant sunshine, gorgeous summer weather really, with just a little bit of a cooling sea breeze.

I really wouldn't have minded not finding anything at all, it was just so lovely to see so many smiley, happy faces enjoying the fabulous weather we are currently having. But I did find a few little things. We bought a couple of rhubarb plants ( 2nd year plants, and definitely no picking until next year, lol, the lovely guy who grew them told us ). And Andy wanted cabbage and cauliflower plants so we got some of those as well. Those were the sensible buys.

And then there were my treasure finds, lol. See? I was very restrained today, don't you think?

I love this dish, it is so beautifully decorated, and that sweet gilded handle, so lovely -

Another vegetable dish to join the ones I already have in France, total mix and (non)match, lol. This is a Meakin dish, and I adore the dainty little flowers -

I have a little collection of carnival glass in France. Most of it is the orange based glass, which I have on display in our yellow bedroom where it looks nice and cheerful. I was so thrilled though to find this green based carnival glass vase today. It is in lovely condition and the oil slick shimmer on it is fantastic. Photos never seem to do it justice, it is so difficult to photograph -

Next is this completely different bit of glass, a teeny weeny corked bottle with the tiniest shells inside. The woman I bought it from must have thought me completely doolally as I was oohing and aahing over it -

I wish I could make what that tiny little label says.

It is always good to find a little bit of bling, don't you think? I adore the little brooch on the right, which looks like violets, sort of. Well, its the right colour -

Oh, and what about this pretty pretty little piece? Sadler lustre ware or pearl ware, not sure what it is called, but it shimmers so delightfully. I think this is probably a lidded sugar bowl, but I really don't know for sure. If you do, let me know. It doesn't really matter to me, because I just love THE SHIMMER!!!

This tattered old book had such a gorgeous image on the spine, and despite it dilapidated state, I bought it because it has such lovely illustrations inside-

And that is it for today. I'll post some pics of more recent finds tomorrow. Now its ice lolly time, teehehehee. Toodlepip xxx


  1. OOOPS, sorry, I have done it again, haven't I? I pressed the wrong button after writing the title, sigh. Apologies, girls!

  2. What great finds, I have one of the 3 compartment dishes too.

    Victoria xx

  3. How wonderful to think that the three of us share the same tin! Great minds and taste aye?

    You certainly got a lovely load of treasures today. I love the shimmers on the sugar bowl and vase and I think the brooch on the bottom left with the blue is my favourite...I wonder why? LOL

  4. I never ever find things like these, you have an eye for beautiful objects. Lucky you!
    Love them all!

  5. You definitely find the best treasures. I love them all.
    Happy ice lolly time...

  6. Fabulous haul - I just love the vegetable dish, it's so pretty.xx

  7. Well I really like your red wall and your fireplace. Is that alright? I do like your other finds too, especially the shells in the jar. That looks so special. I have a container of shells for each of our girls from their first visit to a beach. Gosh I do hope little Soph has a jar of them too! Must check.

  8. Great treasures!
    And I LOVE that tiny little shell bottle.

    Thanks to you, I now know what a car boot fair is, too! :-)


  9. Oh so many pretties..

  10. Great finds, Liz! I especially love the sweet dishes and the rhinestone brooch.
    Have a wonderful week!

  11. I thought you said you were restrained? I love the Meakin dish and the brooch - certainly looks like violets to me ..


  12. I believe it says 'shells from Lake...' and then I can't make out the other word. I really like the collection of brooches. xx

  13. Hi Liz!
    I love all your finds, specially the little bottle with tiny shells! So cute!
    I would like to thank you for your support and let you know that Lepooh is back safe and sound. :)

  14. oh my gosh - I am so going to the flea with you! Your treasures are out of this world! Love them all! You must be packing a big cart when you go (I know I do!)!!!


  15. Oh MY!!!! More fabulous treasures! That book of birds and reptiles - I can absolutely see why you bought it on the spot! Such a lovely spine... one would expect nothing less than fabulous illustrations inside!
    The tiny little bottle is captivating... that old label, the tiny shells, and cork top.... lovely!
    The Meakin covered dish is quite a find as well... what fun your boot sales must be! I'm swooning at the thought....


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