Monday 3 May 2010

Forget-me-not Images 1

Well, we are off to France for a week or so, but I didn't want to risk you gals forgetting about me! So I am scheduling some posts for the next few days ( trying to, fingers crossed ) (Update - Well, I tried but failed miserably, scheduling doesn't work for me. I changed the date and time before pressing publish, and it still published straight away, sigh ). I have been meaning to post some images for you to use for some time now, ever since I was lucky enough to find some pretty antique cards and ephemera a while ago. I have collected so many gorgeous images from some wonderful people out there who share so generously, I thought it was about time I did as well. If you like them, feel free to copy them and use them in your artwork, just don't offer them for sale in any collection ( not very likely anyway, because they are not that special, lol ).

So, here are my forget-me-not images for you -

This chap is rather handsome, don't you think?

This is a letter from 1843, the handwriting is beautiful, but it is awfully hard to read -

I'll try and schedule some more images for tomorrow ( make that next week, lol, seeing as blogger won't let me schedule ).



  1. Sweet images - I've had problems scheduling too. It USUALLY works if I change the date and time at the very beginning, and then save the post. After that, the changes stick, as it were. If you write the post and the change date and time and press publish, it does publish straight away. And even with those guidelines, things sometimes still go weird... Have a great time over here!

  2. Have a great time in France.
    Thanks for sharing the pics. I have some pics I could post to share. I'd never thought of doing it until I read your post. xx

  3. Don't worry, I won't forget you !
    thanks for these pictures, so useful for mixed-media !
    ps : I will be in London during the Ascension week-end, looking forward !!!!

    Enjoy your time in France !

  4. Have a great time in France and a lot of nice weather. We will be there in a couple of weeks. Thank you for sharing this pics and looking forward to all the new pictures from your stay at france!!


  5. Sweet Liz, how could I forget you,would never happen, so you just enjoy,and fell happy your week in France,we will all be here ,when you return, dear friend.
    Thanks so much, I love your freebies.
    Hugs, and love, Dorthe

  6. I hope you have a wonderful trip. I came by to Tahnk you for signing up and posting about my givaway. You now have 3 entries and no worries I will hold it for you if you win.
    Hugs Lynn

  7. Hi dear Liz,
    If you are still there,-I just popped by to once more tell you to have a wonderfull tour to France,
    I love hearing and seing ,what you have experiensed when returning back. Untill then all the best, and blessings.
    Hugs ,Dorthe

  8. Have a great time in France. The weather was really beautiful while we were there . It warmed up very quickly and the days were lovely.

  9. So glad I found your wonderfully vintage blog today! I'm a vintage-loving girl, too...I'll be back often to say hi. Hope you have a lovely time in France!

  10. Looking forward to your return!

  11. Thanks Liz for these sweet images.
    Have a nice time in France and come back soon!

  12. I'd love it if you wouled link up this post, here:

    Thanks, a nd have a great weekend!

  13. Thanks so much for the beautiful images! Looking forward to reading about your time in France...!

  14. Have a lovely time in France! Lucky girl. I love looking at old photos and old letters. Beautiful handwriting but they can be hard to decifer.

    Take care
    Isabelle x

  15. Liz, thank you for the sweet images.
    Um...what's a "schedule"? LOL!

    Hope you have better luck finding the goodies you're seeking! Some days are like that at the boots.


  16. Hello
    I hope you had a lovely mothers day and a great time in France...lucky you!
    Many Blessings

  17. Thank you for the lovely images! :)
    Have a beautiful weekend!

  18. Thanks for entering my giveaway and thanks for the pretty images too!

  19. Have a fantastic time in France! Can't wait to hear all about it!


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