Friday 14 May 2010

A few more France pics

Digital cameras make it so easy to take hundreds of photos, too easy really. It takes so long to go through them and decide which ones to keep, which ones to discard, which ones to share with you gals. Sometimes when I look through the photos I find myself minutes later still gazing at the same picture with a dreamy smile on my face, remembering the moment the photo was taken. That doesn't help when one is trying to get a blog post together, lol.

I did say yesterday that I managed to get to a couple of vide greniers and that I bought a few things. I wanted to photograph them in France, you know, authentic flavour and all that, but the weather was so fickle, I only managed to photograph a few things outside, and the natural light inside the cottage just wasn't good enough when it was peeing down outside.

One of my favourite finds was this fabulous Art Deco vase complete with flower frog insert. The colour is amazing and the rose border is just so pretty. But have a look for yourselves -

Such a fabulous shape. Can you see that filled with big orange and yellow blossoms? Or a big bunch of pearly, creamy white ones? It is destined for Vintageland though, I cannot fit anymore coloured glassware into our yellow bedroom in the cottage.

Now this next item is definitely staying at the cottage. It is a vintage wash basin. There would normally be a little water tank with a teeny tap above it, both fixed to a piece of wood and placed in the bedroom. I just love that fabulous blue! Next time we go to the cottage, I am going to plant it with deep red geraniums and fix it to the bread oven wall in the garden. I think that will look quite stunning -

This gorgeous lidded copper bowl is also staying at the cottage and joining my copper collection. I love the hammered body and the beautiful leafy design on the lid. It also has an immensely tactile shape, very strokable, lol -

I was so eager to get things photographed before the rain came down again, that I didn't clean anything. So the next two items look in a bit of a state, but believe me, with a bit of elbow grease and copper cleaning stuff, they will come up really beautifully. The design of the oval copper tray and the crumb tray is so incredibly intricate, I find it very beautiful indeed

They will also be listed in Vintageland, because I already have a similar set, but I just couldn't resist buying these. They called to me, they did.

Just look at this, can it get any more French than this? I just had to buy this oh so Parisian ink stand, even though I don't have a lovely desk to put it on ( going to Vintageland, yep ). The Tour Eiffel and the L'Arc de Triomphe pictures are on the actual ink well covers. The ink wells still have their original tiny ink containers, which are removable -

There are more French treasures of course, I photographed some of them today in between all the other mundane things one has to do, including some really quite fabulous antique monogrammed linen sheets, the most amazing antique pillow cases, and some rather interesting music sheets from the 1920s and 30s. I haven't edited them yet though, so will have to post those tomorrow.

I'll leave you with a few pictures of the wisteria which I planted three years ago, a tiny little thing it was. And look at it now, it has grown so much -

Fingers crossed for good weather tomorrow so that I can photograph some more finds, I really don't like flash.

Have a great weekend! xxx


  1. I absolutely love the treasures you find. You have a special eye for lovely items. Your cottage and wisteria are charming. Happy collecting...

  2. I love all the beautiful things you have posted today. And your cottage, oh my it is perfect, love the wisteria.

  3. Oh my goodness you found some wonderful treasures. I wouldn't want to let any of them go, but I know we must.

    I'm glad that you had a nice trip.
    Your cottage is so special and I wouldn't want to leave it.


  4. Hi there, Liz! I can completely identify with your dilemma. I, too, have issues when deciding which pics to use in my posts. It comes with being such a detail person.

    Wow! What wonderful finds you are tempting us with. You have such a eye for beauty. Each item will make someone very happy.

    Have a glorious weekend and remember...eight more days for the giveaway!

    Liz @ the Brambleberry Cottage

  5. Oh, you found the most beautiful treasures! LOVE that vase, wow!

    Have a wonderful weekend!

  6. Wow Liz! I found very beautiful treasures. I love the yellow vase very much! Your cottage is stunning. I haven't seen it yet. It's a place to dream.

  7. Incredible finds! It's a two VG weekend for me (the boys have a stand booked at the local one tomorrow), and really, I wish you could come with me so I could see things with your eye!

    I found a vintage picture of 'your house' the other day - I should be posting about it on Tuesday!

  8. Oh my... such a feast for the eyes! First of all, your wisteria is gorgeous! The setting, with the cottage stone wall and wooden doors - oh, it must make your heart smile each time you walk by! Such an idyllic setting. I love the way the doors have a slight lavender cast to them in this photo.

    As far as your treasures... Wow! The copper crumb tray and oval tray are really something! Such beautiful details. The amber vase with roses and the flower frog - please, please post a picture as soon as you use it! How lovely! How wonderful that these treasures have found their way into your home!

  9. The wash basin is my favourite, the perfect blue, and will be stunning once planted up..

  10. Love the photo of the wisteria over those huge doors and I also love the glass bowl, it's such a happy colour. I can just imagine that wash basin with the red geraniums, so very French! Glad you had a wonderful time.

    Kate x

  11. Lovely finds, beautiful glass soo pretty. I am now in love with your wash basin, it will look soo pretty planned up in your garden.
    Enjoy your weekend.
    Luv Sophie xxx

  12. Liz, I love your finds! The color gold on the glass - wow! And your wisteria vine...beautiful! It looks like it has been there for years and years because of the age of the building and wood.
    And the copper - oh my! It's so easy to see why you enjoy your trips to France!

  13. Oh my what gorgeous items Liz!! I want them all (especially your darling doggies :-))
    I sold in an antique shop for many years and the hardest thing was searching for things that i didnt want to keep for MYSELF! You will buy with full intention of selling but then just can't let go and a hoarder is born HA!
    Your cottage is awesome and wish I could grow that fabulous wisteria in my area!!!





  15. It almost looks as if you have a two headed dog in the last picture, the way your two dogs are standing together! Oh well, I guess I've just got an overactive imagination. ;-)

    Love your treasures, of course and look forward to seeing pictures of the rest.

    Our wisteria has only just started to flower.

  16. Liz hi

    The box and the trayes so wonderfull, and the ink set, well it is truly, a special thing, and so french, how did you find so many old copper things,dear?
    I`m in bed almost, just laid Mathilde to sleep,so here is a few minutes for myself....
    Liz yourhouse with the Wisteria, is so cosy, We have a old yellow in the garden, but the blue ones are so much more beautifull.
    Have a lovely evening dear.
    Hugs, Dorthe

  17. I seem to have been negligent in leaving you a comment. Goodness me that would never do! Now to begin I must say that blue sink thingy is absolutely beautiful and will look so amazing with red geraniums in it. I'm quite envious of it really. And your wisteria is looking fabulous. You went back at just the right time, actually you probably timed it to coincide with the flowering if I know you! So worth it as they seem to flower for such a short time. Lovely photos dear Lizzie!

  18. Just had to pop back by, to say again how gorgeous these wisteria photographs are!


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