Monday 31 May 2010

Bank Holiday Weekend

And just for a change, the weather was not too bad. Which meant of course that we had car boot sales, woohoo! Sunday AND Monday!

Oh, where to start. Well, let me start with a lovely lovely man whom I met at the Sunday morning boot fair. He had a couple of boxes of postcards on his table. At first glance they seemed to be just fairly recent colourful postcards from all parts of the country. But when I pulled a few out the box, I found some lovely old postcards hiding inbetween the modern ones. Gorgeous old photos of people, lovely flowery birthday ones, all sorts really, and mostly from around 1910 - 1920 along with some of those really funny 1950s seaside cards as well.

Two shoe boxes crammed full of cards to look through, can you imagine how long that took? After the first box my back was killing me from being hunched over. I was merrily chatting away to the stall holder and mentioned that all this bending over was doing my back in. Guess what the darling man did? Brought over a stool for me to sit on! How sweet was that? What seemed like half an hour later, I had around 60 cards in my little hands, and made my deal with the stall holder. He mentioned that he had at least another 8 boxes at home, and that he would be at the Monday boot fair and would bring 2 different boxes for me to look through. So guess where I was this morning, lol? Yep, he was there, with the promised 2 boxes, and I found another stack of gorgeous old cards.

I would have gone home quite happy with just those on either day, but as luck would have it, I found a few other little bits and pieces as well - a lovely bunch of smallish cabinet cards, for example. I do love the old photographs a lot, but I almost love the backs of them even more, the graphics are so beautiful in some cases.

Anyway, I had better start showing you some pictures of the weekend finds, right? I might split it into two posts, because as usual I have way too many photos really. This photo shows most of the things which came home with me, apart from a huge linen whitework tablecloth, a huge whitework bedspread and other assorted linen pieces, which were too big to fit into the photo -

Ah, this was a lovely find, a gorgeous old silver plate cocktail shaker, soooooo stylish! It has a few dings and dents, but it is in perfect working order, everything fits together nice and tight -

Sweet little old keys. Hmm, small size doesn't equal small price unfortunately, gosh these little ones are dear. Still, they weren't happy where they were, they wanted to come with me, they did -

Cabinet cards, so precious -

And just look at these fabulous backs!

This is the tiniest little photograph, but just look at the beautifully embossed background its on -

And these are the two stacks of very vintage/antique post cards, drooooool -

I'll scan some of them for you over the next few days if you like. Do let me know whether you like photographs of people or whether you prefer the flowery ones.

I love this silver plated, MOP handled pickle fork -

A bit of bling, a girl needs something sparkly occasionally -

This gorgeous vase was a must-have, I have been collecting old pressed glass stuff for many years. I love the intricate detail -

How about this gorgeous Minton pot? Not entirely sure what it was for, but it is perfect for putting a small plant in -

I can't ever resist a tin with a flower motif, especially round tins with roses -

I may have mentioned once or twice that I collect carnival glass ;-). I found some rather nice pieces today. It is just so frustrating trying to photograph them, that beautiful oil slick colour never shows up properly, grrr.

Look at this little bowl, when the light falls onto it, it looks almost like the eye on a peacock feather -

These large bowls both have beautiful, intricate designs -

I only found two little bits of lace though, but they are pretty -

Goodness, this has already turned into a loooooooong post and there is still more. I think I'll leave the books and the linen til tomorrow. Yep, I am in need of a cup of tea anyway, so its a good time to finish this off. I have a few new tags to show you as well....

Toodlepip xxx


  1. Yet more goodies - you have a great eye for delicious things. No car boots for me, the weather has been positively pants!xx

  2. Oh, lovely, Liz! I saw a pressed glass cake stand at my Edinburgh jumble sale and thought of you - only one pound but how would I have got it back to France with me?

    Is that a Huntley and Palmer's tin? I found one in France (unexpectedly) the other day and have reluctantly put it into my blog shop. Can't keep everything... sigh...

  3. Those are great fonds Liz. I love those cabinet cards and all the old postcards too - sign...
    ~ Tina

  4. WOW JACKPOT!!!!!
    SOme great finds floral postcards..I found some french ones at a carboot the other week!!
    That pretty little is just gorgeous!!!!
    Great finds hun x Thanks for sharing!
    Annie x

  5. Liz, sweet Liz,
    I can`t even begin to say, which wonderfull item I like most,-because all of them are so very great.So fantastic to be able in one boot fair, to collect so many beautifull old things, your fairs must be very big?
    I love all you took home ,dear, congratulations with it all.Sleep tight, and blessings.

  6. Beautiful - I'm running out of words to express myself when you go a-booting!! I must come with you, it's driving me nuts watching all this x

  7. So where's my pina colada?? Aye? Mmmm I can almost taste the tropics. I think you found the most fabulous things this weekend. All that colourful jewellery is wonderful.

    Now tell me, what is a cabinet card? The cards all look so lovely but that brown card on the left with the lady looks so familiar? I've seen her in blogland I'm sure.

  8. Ahhh lucky you! Amazing finds! Here the weather was bad, too bad to go to the carbootsale. But as my youngest wanted me to go with him and my husband to a train event it wasn't that bad, I wouldn't have been happy at the carbootsale after all.
    Here it get's more and more difficult to find some decent antique or vintage stuff. People over here tend to like chinese decorations and fake antiques from cheap stores like garden centres. Of course after 4 years they are bored with them and they sell them: yes it is old! Lots of People over here cannot tell the difference between an iron chinese etagere and an antique item!

  9. Hi Liz,
    How in the world do you find all these wonderful treasures! I want to tag along with you on your next antiquing adventure.

    Love everything!


  10. Wow, wonerful finds.
    Those post cards are lovely and your bowl of jewels look soo pretty.
    Luv Sophie xxx

  11. So many beautiful treasures, love the carnival glass and the cabinet cards are awesome.

  12. Hey Lizzie, you definitely have a good eye for treasures! :)

    How about shaking me a nice cold cocktail before dinner, this evening? :D

  13. Wonderful things, Liz, you're incredible !

    Thanks for joining my surprise giveaway :) !

  14. You have done it again Liz, really don't know how you do ! Fantastic finds :)

  15. What a treasure trove you came home with. The cards look so exciting. Please post a collection of both people AND flowers because I for one can't decide. And what a nice man! Who said chivalry is dead? xx

  16. It's a date - the bottle's already in the fridge!xx

  17. Sunday and Monday were drizzly here so no carboots for me :-( You certainly came home with a treasure chest (or rather treasure trolley ;-) full of gorgeous goodies. Think I need to come carbooting with you!

  18. Incredible finds. I cant help wondering if your house is nearly full now?

  19. Oh Lizzie Lu! What wonderful treasures you have acquired! Oh how I wish I could go antiquing with you, what fun we would have. Love all those postcards and the cabinet photos as well! Look at that lace! The pickle fork I think is my favorite thing though. I've recently have been on a quest to get one of those and the mother of pearl handle is just beautiful! Drool! hugs to you Kim

  20. wow, what a stash of fab finds. Love the photos :o)

  21. Liz, wow, you hit the jackpot again! Your finds are gorgeous! I can only dream of finding such lovely things over here. I guess I have to convince hubby to take a vacation in England. The problem is that he doesn't like to drive on the "wrong" side of the street and if I would drive I'd probably hit the first tree or car around because I would watch everything but not the street ;-).
    Have a great evening!


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