Friday 23 April 2010

And a few more bits

Well, I did promise yesterday that I would post some more photos of recent finds. One of these finds will crack you up, I laughed my socks off when I saw it, but you will have to wait, it is right at the end of the post ( you can always skip everything inbetween of course, lol ).

I have boxes full of trims already, but I can't ever resist them when I see them at boot fairs. All those lovely fringes, bobbles and dangly bits, they are so pretty, and such a great way of embellishing all sorts of things. I have already used some on tags, like this one

This little bit came from this trim -

I think the next two would be great for tags in neutral colours, beiges, browns, with vintage images. I'll be making some of those this weekend.

Some sweet braids - one pink and one the most gorgeous rich wine red

And looking peachy -

This one is really pretty, the softest green and the most delicate pink, I adore this one -

I found some more of those lovely old shoe trees as well. The colours are so beautiful, the rich gold and the fabulous verdigris green

I think they look ever so attractive as they are, but I also like them wrapped in velvet or silk ribbons to soften them.

This sweet little thing stole my heart. Just look at the very worn measuring tape inside! I was going to take it out and cut it up and use it in collages, but in the end I just didn't have the heart to do it, it looks so utterly charming complete. At the moment it sits on a little table with some of the measuring tape pulled out, looking very pretty.

I found a packet of blank visiting cards as well, they are perfect for making tags with -

Mnd you, I love the battered old box as well.

A couple of books, of course, can't ever come home without at least one or two. This one is a vintage Torquay guide book, full of very detailed maps and all sorts of information. I love all the old advertisements!

This little book looked quite fascinating -

AND FINALLY, the object of much hilarity in our household..................


Its probably just us, but it really tickled me, lol.

Have a wonderful weekend everybody! xxx


  1. Dear oh dear. Will you be posting a tutorial, complete with photos?????

    Kate x

  2. Hi Liz, I love all your pretty trims. The ones with the little balls are very special! You have found some cool things lately. The measuring tape has such a wonderful used look and the books are great as well. The last find, well, how could you think of anything else than a nasal douche here, lol. Really funny shape ;-).
    Have a great weekend!

  3. oh dear God, that is vile!!! Ewww! I was sitting here, minding my own business and enjoying reading all you had found - tape measure, love it! - and then came that horrible, horrible thing at the end!!! Yuk! I hope it is unused, that's all I can say! ;o)

    Happy Weekend xx

  4. These days people use a neti pot, works on the same principle. They're supposed to be quite effective. I had such a blocked up nose for several weeks at Christmas I considered trying it but chickened out in the end!

  5. LOL, please don't post a tutorial on how to use it!

    Lovely laces - you do find some really interesting treasures!

  6. Lovely trimmings and other bits - I know I am getting old when I can remember some of the things advertised in that book! That nasal thingumyjig had me in stitches when I read the instruction to "breathe through the mouth" How else could one breathe I wondered!! I think I might rather have a blocked up nose!

    Jane x

  7. My goodness I really don't know how you find such finds ! That nasel douche sounds quite revolting, I feel ill just thinking about it, Hope that you have a good weekend :)

  8. Hi sweet,
    you realy hit the good things Liz,
    my ,so many wonderfull trims you found, they are gorgeus,all.
    I love the measuring tape aswell, would not bear to cut it eighter.
    And well..... this last find, is ever so special,-looks like ones poor nose could drown in all the water ,possibly being in there,-take care if you try it out,LOL.
    Many hugs,

  9. Lol!!
    Wow you do have some amazing finds!! You must have a good eye for treasures, I would love to go booting with you! I was good and read it all before your funny item :-)

  10. what incredible finds! I really love the old tape measure and the guide book and the laces and...

  11. WOW!!!! Your trims are gorgeous, so many goodies.

  12. You do have some amazing bits and peices!!! I love how evertthing is just perfectly loved!!

  13. Hi, Liz!

    Those are some great finds of yours, and you're right...the last one is a hoot.

    I also have an old tape measure, or two, and I think they are so cool.

    And the trims...they're terrific, as well. You can never have enough bits and pieces to beautify things with. ;)

    Thanks for adding my giveaway button to your sidebar. I love giving things away and this will be fun, since the goodies have come from several sources I've posted about.

    Liz @ the Brambleberry Cottage

  14. Liz, I,too, love trims like those pictured but never know exactly how to put them to good use. I love what you do with them! The old advertisements are wonderful, I'll have to show you some of mine.

  15. Oh that's sooo funny Liz! We saw one in an antique store a few weeks ago that was made out of enamel covered metal and hangs on the wall. At first we wondered WHAT it was until we read the tag and then we sure didn't think we'd be buying THAT! LOL!

    All of your other finds are glorious!!!! The last one...a real hoot!


  16. I love all your trims , they are so pretty!

    Have a nice weekend!

  17. You mean you don't already have a nasal douche? Every home should have one! Love it. Actually I get a nasal douche everytime I go swimming. Very unpleasant. xx

  18. Hi Liz,
    I have to get over laughing about the nasal douche!!!LOL!!
    Wonder how you use that thing....oh no, let's not go there!

    Back to the good stuff. I love it all. The little tattered tape measure is so charming and all your trims would sure make me happy.


  19. Wonderful stuff!
    That tape measure is amazing!

    And what can ya say about the last item, right? ;-)

    Thanks for sharing!

  20. You do have an eye for a treasure, thanks for sharing your finds with us.

  21. Hi Elizabeth,
    I'm your apron swap partner!
    Can't wait to get to know you through your blog, and will contact you shortly about preferences.

  22. Such sweet shoe trees, and that measuring tape is adorable!


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