Thursday 18 March 2010

JJ - Happy Birthday Lizzie for the 19th

I don't often write much
But I'm a co-author here
I don't seem to get time
(But it's more out of fear)

For this is the realm
Of Her Ladyship Lizzie
Who's short, German and bossy
And really quite dizzy

She's got a hubby, 3 sons
And 2 very mad dogs
And up in her eyrie
A collection of frogs

Her broomstick's a beauty
Which she polishes at night
So it gleams and it twinkles
For when she takes flight

If a shadow goes past you
At a really great speed
Don't panic, dear friends
But you need to take heed!

It'll be Lizzie, you see
With the wind in her hair
Trolley loaded on broomstick
On her way to a fair

Where she bargains and haggles
And the stallholders wail
For she barters them down
Until they really go pale

At the prices she pays
For the treasures she's found
She has an eye for a bargain
(And a nose like a hound)

She'll take them back to her eyrie
Where she'll preen and she'll gloat
And she'll pull up the drawbridge
On her very deep moat

She'll post pics on her blog
Of her latest new treasure
She loves them, you see
And it gives her great pleasure

She does all sorts of crafting
While she's up in her eyrie
And she's so good at it all
That it makes me quite teary

She has a real flair
For the things that she does
And the gifts that she makes
Give the new owner a buzz

See, she's kind and she's caring
And she's really quite sweet
(It took guts to say that
And my heart's missed a beat)

Well, I think I'm in trouble
And my time's at an end
So I'll finish by saying

JJ xx


  1. Oh I bet Liz will love that. What a lovely poem for a lovely lady. You are a very special friend I am sure.
    Happy birthday Liz and thankyou JJ for the beautifully written verse(s)
    Hope you have a great day.
    Love Rachael XX

  2. That's lovely!
    have a great day Liz and hopefully your parcel will be there in time for your Birthday.

    Love and hugs

    Beki xxx

  3. Ah Jo you big sweetheart! Yes a big happy birthday to the queen herself. I sure hope she has a wonderful day. As for my present, I still haven't sent it yet, naughty me, it's not my fault really. What do you get someone with absolutely everything???

  4. I'm soooo sorry.
    I totaly overlooked your question about my image (for your desktop) !! Phew.
    Ofcourse you may use it for personal use.
    I'll be honoured :-)
    Have fun with it lululiz and I wish you a nice weekend !!

  5. What a beautiful poem! I hope you had a wonderful day!!!

  6. Happy Happy birthday to my new sweet friend! What a wonderful friend JJ must be to write you such a poem! hugs to you from across the pond! Kim

  7. That is so cute!!

    Happy happy on your day, coming soon!! (or, maybe already there?) =)

    Blessings friend.

    barbara jean

  8. LOVELY poem :)


  9. Dear Liz,

    Herzliche Glückwünsche und alles Liebe! Ich wünsche Dir einen tollen Tag mit lieben Gästen, netten Geschenken und natürlich einer leckeren Geburtstagstorte :-)!

    Birthday Hugs,

  10. Great poem. Made me smile.
    Have a really great day. xx

  11. Happy Birthday Lizzie!!!!!
    Hope you have a great day, filled with love, cakes ..and many gifts!!!!

  12. I am not sure whether I should kill JJ or kiss her, lolol. I can't believe she has written me a great big poem for my birthday! Thank you JJ, you are quite wonderful really ( even if I have to nag you everyday about certain things ). I am sitting here with a very drippy nose, sore throat, half deaf, sneezing my head off lol, and feeling like I have been steam rollered. Got the worst cold I have had in years, poo, bad timing or what?

    Thank you for all your birthday wishes, you lovely lovely people, I wish I could have you all here for a big birthday party. I do hope that I will meet some of you one day, perhaps at our cottage in France. That would be awesome. Now I shall return to my cosy spot on the settee, snuggle under the lankie, cuddle my doggies and have a nice cup of tea, made by my darling husband. Hopefully back to my normal self by Sunday ( gotta go to a boot fair ).

  13. Happy, Happy Birthday!! The same day as my Great Gran!! What a lovely poem - so clever!!

  14. No sure whether my previous message came across loud and clear - something most odd going with Blogger. Anyway, hope you have a wonderful Birthday.

    love Kate x

  15. Happy birthday! What a great poem!!!

  16. Happy Birthday! Also just wanted to check you know who you are swapping with for the flower swap? Info here if not
    Hope you feel better soon too!
    Louise x

  17. Oh dear Liz, one day late...but still better than never so:HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR
    from your friend here in Denmark.
    BIG HUG , and I hope your day was wonderfull.
    The poem was.
    Love and hugs, Dorthe

  18. Happy belated birthday! Sorry I am so behing with my 'return' visits, hope you had a lovely day, this poem probably made your day!

  19. Thats so lovely...hope you had a lovely time LuLuLiz xxxx

  20. Happy Birthday, what a wonderful poem. Thanks I enjoyed that very much.


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