Monday 15 February 2010

Two posts in one Day !!!

Well, I just couldn't wait any longer, I had already waited TWO MONTHS! It is all JJ's fault, of course. This is what happened.

A few months ago, we came across Manos del Uruguay yarns and both fell in love with them. I thought crocheting a scarf in that yarn would be really lovely and because I like the old cow, I decided to make a scarf for her for Christmas. I worked my little fingers to the bone, trying to finish the scarf before JJ was due to come to our house. Why, oh why did I bother, lol? What with starting office work, a car that was on its last legs, lots of snow and all sorts of other things, JJ still hasn't made the one hour journey to our house. So you see, I couldn't post photos of the scarf I had made, I couldn't spoil the surprise. Last week however, I got sick of looking at her beautifully wrapped Christmas present still sitting all lonely and sad in the drawing room. So I posted it. And she received it today! YAY! So now I can share the photos with you.

I also made a scarf for my mother-in-law in the same colours. She loved it! The yarn really is beautiful to work with and to wear. This is MIL's scarf -

And this is the scarf I made for THAT woman from Brighton, lolol -

I love the colours of the yarns. Now why the heck didn't I made one for myself? Hmm.

Well, now that the OWOH event is finally over, I can get back to my crocheting instead of trying to visit 1100 blogs. I had such a blast though, and found some wonderful new blogs and people which I would never have known about without this event.

Progress report on my 20mins-a-day crafting tomorrow! xxx


  1. Imagine my surprise when I collected that parcel from the post office today. I'm so lucky, it's absolutely beautiful and I've been coveting that yarn for so long now.
    Thank you Lizzie <<>>

    Now, on to the charming way I'm referred to in that post ("the old cow" and "that woman").....yes, it's a one hour journey between our houses, and therefore as you haven't started a new job, been snowed in or got a dying car, why haven't you flown over on your broom, I mean magic carpet, and delivered it in person before now? Eh? Eh? Hmph.

    (Good job I like the old bat really isn't it?)

    Jo xx

  2. Those are some beautiful colors on that scarf! Love the way you added the little dangles to it too! I got a good laugh out of the post from the Croap Queen!!

  3. What a beautiful gift - the colours are lovely and the 'danglies' - fab!xx

  4. Good thing that the Croapqueen aka JJ and I are best friends!

  5. Ok, you have just stopped me completely in my tracks. Your scarf is beautiful and I love the yarn you have chosen. Scrummy.
    Rachael XX

  6. Too bad indeed that you didn't won my prize in the one world one heart event, but I think there are still some number generators rolling! Who knows...Love the scarfs! Just buy some more yarn to make one yourself, we always say that you have to tickle yourself, as nobody else does!

  7. Your scharfs are so wonderfull , and I love the one with the small rondelles hanging from the ends, wow, I would love one like that.

    xo Dorthe

  8. Gosh that girl is just the most frustrating out! Remember I had the same issue when she swanned off for weeks on end, and the swap parcel I sent arrive the day after she left!!! Oh the wait is a right killer is it not? Anyway it very lovely and soft looking and those dangly things look very neat. Adds a bit of fun to a scarf.

    JJ is quite right too, why didn't you go and visit her? Hmmm? Best you get you bottom in your car or on a train and visit or I just might have to do the deed myself.

  9. Such beautiful gifts you've made!!!! The colors of the yarn are so earthy, I just love them ~ I know your mother in law must have just loved her scarf!!!! I hope you are having a wonderful week, hugs and love, Dawn

  10. I have a wee tear in me eye - the thought of you having to part with such beauty. How could you!!!?


  11. Those scarves are gorgeous! The colours of the yarn are beautiful, and the work is exquisitly done. I'm sure your MIL and friend will love those. :) xxxx

  12. How lucky that Croap's beautiful Lizzie, the details are just stunning!

  13. Wow, lovely scarf! What's a one hour journey between friends?! ;-)

    Why oh why didn't you make one for yourself?

  14. gorgeous yarn!! Even more gorgeous scarves!!!!

  15. gorgeoud scarf! That is so different! I want one now!


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