Wednesday 6 January 2010

And out came the knitting needles

The last year or two I have been renewing my relationship with yarns, crochet and VERY occasionally knitting. It seems I get more and more into snuggling up with yarns and a crochet hook or needles these days. Crocheting is getting better, gee, I get adventurous and make up my own granny squares, lolol, but my knitting is still absolutely basic, shame on me.

I am also a huge cricket fan. And of course its test match season, England is in South Africa at the mo. However, I just cannot sit in front of the telly for any length of time without having something to do with my hands. So the hunt for a teeny weeny project, which wouldn't require much in the way of concentration and attention, was on. On was also a trip to the nearest wool shop. I really had no definite project in mind, whatever yarn took my fancy would sort of dictate what I would make.

And I found this -

Just look at the colours, they are so delicious! The yarn is a very thick boucle sort of yarn, pure merino wool, from New Zealand. The name? Mount Pisa. When I saw those mouthwatering colours, I thought this would make a lovely little scarf for our darling granddaughter Grace.

It was really too thick and knobbly to crochet comfortably, so out came the knitting needles! This yarn is brilliant for basic knitters like me, it is so forgiving! Because of the knobbly boucle texture, it doesn't matter if your stitches are uneven and because of the swiftly changing colours, it looks fab even with the most basic of knitting stitches, don't you think?

I took me all of day three of the test match to knit it and crochet the flowers, and it was the perfect easy project. I finished it about 30 seconds before my DS and my almost-daugher-in-law came to visit with Grace. She looks so cute wrapped up in the scarf!

Thats it for today, but there might just be another woolly post tomorrow. Not with any finished project, but with some exciting buys....



  1. Love it!
    What is it about a hand knitted scarf that makes you feel all snuggly?
    Love the wool, wonder if I can get something like it in boys colours.

    Takae care
    Beki xxx

  2. Ooooo, now that is just adorable. I got a crochet book for christmas and am determined to master is this year. those flowers are so cute. well done.
    Rachael XX

  3. England versus South Africa. Definitely reminds me of the 'based on true story' movie Invictus. Great movie, by the way.

    The colours are mouthwatering, you're right, and perfect for a little girl.
    When it comes to yarn-y affairs, knitting is for big projects, while crochet is for the quick and painless things! But, that is just my weird way of crafting :)

  4. Whoops. Scratch my comment about England VERSUS S.A.
    Wrong game, anyway! It was Rugby I was thinking about, not cricket!

  5. Hi hunny.....loving your scarf! Those colours are delicious just like you looks a sthough it would make a fab blanket...where did you get the wool from?
    I love crocheting more than knitting but lose time whevever I do either...fab way to relax!
    Hugs Karen x x x

  6. Looks so pretty and that dear little girl will be so cosy with her new scarf.


  7. That is just so perfect. I really like the idea of 'forgiving' wool. That is certainly what I would need!

  8. Well done you, the wool is gorgeous and Grace looks so cute. Great timing too with all this ultra-cold weather!

  9. The colours are just stunning!
    And little Grace is lovely!

  10. Thats looks Fab hun!! Wish I could knit again..I used to when I was a girl..I used to knit boob tubes for my Barbie!! Maybe one day!
    Your Grandaughter is tooo cute!!
    The colours are scrummy too!
    Annie x

  11. ooo gorgeous!!!! the scarf is pretty lovely too ;)

  12. What lovely yarn and even better wrapped around your little cutie

    Victoria xx

  13. Gorgeous gorgeous yarn, and lovely scarf, too! x

  14. Oh, that looks such a fun wool. Like a wool version of hundreds 'n' thousands.
    Thanks for the comment on my blog about the erosion bundles. I believe my neighbours are no longer surprised by anything I do. After ten years, they're used to it!

  15. Well, haven't you been busy madam. That's really sweet and I'll bet Miss Grace is very snuggly wrapped up in it. What make is the yarn?

  16. That looks fab knitted up!
    What a sweetie! She looks very proud of her new scarf!!

  17. Grace is so sweet!!! :)) and has a beautiful name.

    The scarf is very very pretty, I love it !



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