Monday 18 January 2010

20 Minutes Update and a GIVE.......


I think I am allowed to use the time spent on the giveaway for my 20 minutes crafting session, right? I mean, I tea- and coffee-dyed paper, I spent ages printing, I sorted bits of lace and trims and probably used up two weeks worth of crafting time, lol.

Anyhoo, you may have noticed from a couple of posts that I have taken a bit of an interest in messing around with old papers, bits and pieces, altered art sort of thing ( very basic, hardly art in my case, lolol ). Remember this altered tin?

It seemed that lots of people were quite interested in that sort of thing, so I thought I put together a few bits and pieces to encourage you all to give it a go. It really is immensely satisfying to transform, for example, a naff old Hulahoop tin like this one into something pretty.

So here goes, first of all the paper kind of stuff -
What have we got here? Ermm,
- three pages from a very old book of sheet music, which was falling to pieces, otherwise I wouldn't have had the heart to take pages out
- two pages from an old dictionary, again falling to bits
- a fab old waxed paperbag from a French Epicerie with the shop name and logo
- old French bingo cards, one very old one and a few somewhat newer ones
- copies of - a vintage French postcard with a very pretty lady sending you kisses, two postcards with the prettiest writing, and two pages from a very old Vere Foster's Copy Book, Lettering.
- 4 pages of aged paper ( not shown, because they are still drying! )

Then we have bits and pieces. mostly fabricy -

Right, lets see what I have found

- a small piece of lovely lace fabric
- antique metal thread French braid
- a couple of length of fine old French cotton lace
- a couple of pieces of white vintage lace
- the prettiest little peachy pink lace trim
- gold wire edged ribbon
- vintage French woven initials
- small selection of old buttons, including MOP
- 3 teeny little roses
- a simple beaded flower
- 3 clock hands
- odd old French crocheted cotton, errmm, flower???thingy
- piece of purple netting
- piece of vintage French braid, deep deep red

Thats it, fancy having a go at altering something you have in the house and making it into a fab new thing? All you need to do is leave a comment on here, and I'll draw a winner next Sunday, 24th Jan, before we go to France. You could also stick this button-

in your sidebar with a link, and I'll put your name into the hat twice, just let me know on this post.

Have fun! xx


  1. oooo i'm first, how exciting. Please stick my name in the hat, i'd love to win all those goodies xxxx Louise

  2. What a gorgeous generous giveaway, count me in please. I will add your button to my sidebar.
    Hope you had a good weeekend
    Take care
    Beki xxx

  3. Oh how I would love to dip into that lovely stash of bits and bobs! I love all the fabricy stuff.

  4. OOOh, Liz, YES PLEASE!

    Thanks for all the work that went into this - definitely crafting time well-spent.

  5. Thanks for this - what lovely goodies. I will try try to include a link but I'm not sure if I've worked out how yet?! xx

  6. Ok, I am actually drooling over that little stash. Please count me in.
    I am adding your piccie now.
    Rachael xx

  7. Oooh Liz, this is a lovely lot of deliciousness! You'd better give me two names in the hat for this one. I see those buttons and laces! I guess your clean out is going quite well then :)

  8. Lovely inspirational ideas...clever you!

  9. Oh yes, me too please - will do the sidebar bit also. I've just signed up with all you 20 Minuters so a little gift of inspiration would definitely be appreciated.


  10. Wow what a super giveaway - think perhaps I'd better not enter though since I won one of your previous giveaways! What fun someone will have with all those lovely bits and bobs.


  11. Jumping up and down clapping hands in excited glee...please enter me please! Grabbed your button :-)

  12. This is a very generous giveaway! Finger crossed.

  13. Please enter me in your generous giveaway!


  14. Ooer what a really fab give away. I would really love to rummage through it all. You are so generous. Please include me in the draw.

    We launched our blog shop yesterday so had a really busy day setting it up. Would really appreciate any feedback/comments.
    A x

  15. Lizzie, I will keep barking and clawing at your legs until you hand them to me. Oh, just toss me something already... *bark*!


  16. Hi - me again. Just to let you know that my little brain cannot cope with posting the link to you swap, so please don't give me the extra entry. Also thanks so much for your kind comments (just loving the poetic licence)! xx

  17. good lord, you're surely not giving away all of that stash?! That's extremely generous.

    the books I prattle on about today are totally gorgeous. Haven't made anything from any of them yet (!) but I have plans to. I just love looking through them, and if I don't make the goodies, then I can't scoff the lot and moan about my belly!!!!


  18. Clapping hands, doing happy dance, shouting IT COULD BE ME ;) What a beautiful and generous giveaway, how charming. I am definately crossing my fingers on this one. right down my pretty street :)Thank you for giving me the opportunity to enter :)

    You sound like me with your little stashes, the thing is I get really excited when I have found them because I actually forget what I have bought, probably hiding from the DH ;)

    Off to pop your lovely Giveway badge on my side bar with your link, two go's please ;0) Can you tell I am excited


  19. Oh yes !! Count me in , please. Of course I'll add your button to my sidebar !! :))

  20. I've just added a link and your button to my sidebar, Liz.

  21. What great goodies you are giving away! I'm adding your button now, if I can figure it out! What are you going to do in France? I hope shop. hugs,Kim

  22. Sigh, didn't want to tell anyone else about your giveaway (because I am greedy and selfish. Yes, a very bad woman.)... But I did it. It's in my sidebar, in the midst of all the mess!

  23. Yes I would love to try that. I need a start though. Would love to receive all those beauties. I will even put your button on my sidebar.
    I am so jealous of your going on a trip. blessings.

  24. Can I join in please ? I will put a link and your button on my blog. Thanks Maria

  25. This is a very generous giveaway! Thanks Maria Count me, please! M.Grazia

  26. Me please as well. Just found you. Will add link and stuff to my blog tomorrow. I'll be back.

  27. OOh how exciting - please count me in!

  28. Lululiz please enter me. I love all your 'stuff'. I am adding the photo and link on my bloggy blog. Super giveaway girl! Thank you always for stopping by REB and leaving comments. Isn't this fun?


  29. Magnifique
    Trop beau tout ce qu'il y a sur ton blog !
    Je faire un article sur mon
    blog slide bar
    kiss dall'italia rosa alias sorrisodiluna

  30. It's no good, I can't resist, you mentioned the word LACE one too many times. Please enter me too.

  31. Can I join in too, please?

    Hope its not too late!!

    Sharon xx

  32. what a wonderful giveaway and blog. I must look more! Good luck to everyone!

  33. What a wonderful candy!!! I hope I am not to late to join it. I love so much!!! I linked it on sidebar. Thanks a lot )))))

  34. Oh what a wonderful giveaway!!
    And I missed it. =0(

    Glad i found your lovely blog though.


    barbara jean


I hope you have enjoyed reading the post. If you have, then I would really love to hear about it, so please leave a comment.