Wednesday 2 December 2009

(Slight) progress report

I know I said I wasn't going to take the flower lankie to France with me, but as there was room in the car, and I was in the mood ( for pastelly crocheting ), I took it along anyway. Of course I didn't get anywhere near as much done as I had intended to, Poppy saw to that, but at least I did a little work on it.

This is my favourite winter crochet spot, by the fireplace, in my favourite Lloyd Loom chair -

Ahhh, so cosy, I miss it already and we have only been back in England for a few days.

I crocheted a multicoloured border round the lankie, I thought that would go well with the multicoloured flowers which would eventually been sewn to the squares -

And this is the reason why I didn't get as much done as I had planned -

Yep, thats my darling Poppy, aka Popplemonster, making herself very comfortable on my lankie! I had spread the lankie out over the settee so that I could place the flowers properly, turned round to get a couple more to sew on, and quick as a flash she was on it. And stayed there. Wouldn't be moved. Couldn't be moved. You try and move a stubborn 80lb Ridgeback when she doesn't want to be moved, lol.

And as Poppy snuggled down on my blanket, Hector wanted to be cosy and snuggly as well. DS obliged, got a blanket, made himself comfy on the other settee himself, and Hector was blissfully happy -

Its a hard life, being a dog!



  1. Well, don't you look comfy in that there chair by the fire. I'm not remotely jealous, nope, not me :-(

    As for the doggies, well I've tried to budge an 80lb Poppy and I can vouch there is NO way on this planet she will be budged if she doesn't want to be. Mind you, I may call in the troops if she ever gets an inkling of launching herself at a blanket of mine. As for Hector, well that's different - I wouldn't dream of trying to move him for fear of him removing my face LOL.

    So, have you left the blanket there or heaved it home to finish?

  2. so lovely and cozy!!

    An award and a tag is waiting for you on my blog. x

  3. What a gorgeous fire, chair, dog and bestest of all blanket, it is just sooooooooo gorgeous you clever lady :)

  4. I spend hours looking at my dog while they're sleeping, don't they look like children?!
    Life in your cottage seems to be so relaxing ;-)

  5. Well isn't that just the most perfect Granny photo ever! Slippers, balls of yarn, crochet hook, glasses, an open fire to warm the bones. And she says she the most ungranny like Granny out there! Who is she kidding?

    Right I'm off to remove my comments section off my blog!!

  6. I'm envious! A cottage in France!!! But hey, it doesn't look stuffed at all! I was expecting to see no open space! (with your collecting/shopping genius.

    Your blanket is going to be soooo great. What is it about animals just having to sit on what ever work you happen to be doing.

  7. These dogs! What a life!!!
    Am liking the colourful border -- approved!

  8. Sooooo cosy! Your blanket looks fab. My plans for a blanket turned into a large cushion cover and is STILL UNFINISHED!!!! Nearly there though. I have bought a large jumper for the back and just need to piece the two together.
    Sal xx

  9. Thank you gals for all your lovely comments. Well, except for the Kiwi who calls herself a friend, pfftt. I can just imagine the gleeful grin on her face when she wrote her comment.
    Sally, you finish that project of yours, you hear? LOLOL, I would love to see pics, I am a sucker for pics, so pretty please, finish it and show us!

  10. Oh yeah there was a grin Liz, I can guarantee that. Well really, take a look at those photos! You have to admit it's granny-like.

    Now I do have to say that I very much like your new header. It's very beautiful and makes me want to have such a pretty setting for myself.


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