Saturday 19 December 2009

Handmade Christmas Swap update

Lots of you have taken part in the Handmade Swap organised by Kim from HEART IN THE COUNTRY , so you know all about it. And some of you have already received the swap packages. I am sooooooo happy to announce that my swap package from the lovely Kim herself has arrived as well! Kim, you have put together such a gorgeous selection of gifts which are just perfect for me, I can't thank you enough.

I tried really really hard not to tear the big envelope open immediately. I was going to be so restrained, mainly because I was in the middle of doing something. Really, I had the best intentions of carrying on with my work for a couple of hours, then making a cup of tea and closeting myself away in the drawing room. I lasted all of 5 minutes. Couldn't help myself. BUT, at least I didn't rip it open in a frenzy. Possibly the calm and peaceful atmosphere in the drawing room helped with that. I carefully opened the big padded envelope and started to gently remove beautifully wrapped little prezzies.

Look at how prettily they are wrapped, and how nice the stamped tags are -

I was really really good and opened the Christmas card first. I wish I could make things like that, look at that little knitted stocking, and the dinky little tree sticking out of it!

Ahhh, the first gift, beautifully wrapped in gold paper, soft and squishy ( one has to squeeze, rattle, shake, sniff before unwrapping, to try and guess )-

And I guessed right, it was the prettiest hanging heart!

Oooh, but there was another little prezzie which felt just like that one, and yes! it was another little heart-

Next was this beautifully presented necklace -
perfect colour for me.

The next little package contained something soft as well, could it be? Of course it was, because all good things come in threes, right? The softest rich dark red velvet heart -

And look, look, earrings to match the necklace! I am going to look so elegant tonight when we are having our fondue-

The hearts are already settling down in their new homes-

You would have thought that was more than enough to spoil me, but no, that wasn't the end of it, just check out this fabulous creation made with the most velvety and soft yarn I have ever snuggled into-
It is fabulous, so unusual and incredibly snuggly.

And last but definitely not least, these beautifully knitted flower brooches, how I wish I could knit like that -

Am I a lucky girl or what? I am so glad I joined this swap, thank you for organising it, Kim, and once again a huge thank you for my beautiful gifts!



  1. ...for the "Queen of swaps' theme"!!!! It was your fault!!! xxx
    Wonderful and well deserved parcel!
    Are we having some left fondue tomorrow??!

  2. Oh my... very, very lush gifts!!! Very fitting for a queen :D

    Isn't that knitted stocking the cutest`?

    I'm sure you have swapped Kim with a load of fabulousness as well. (Hmm, why didn't I hear of this swap?!?! Schade.)

  3. What perfectly lovely gifts to have.

  4. Oh golly aren't they just the nicest gifts? Love those knitted flowers!! What a clever lady Kim is. I love how your hearts have found such perfect homes already. Very nice indeed. Hope your fondue is going well! Mmmm I can almost smell those balls cooking!

  5. Hi Liz

    I'm so glad that you liked the gifts. I promise I will blog about your lovely swap gifts very soon.......I feel really awful I haven't already :0(

    Have a wonderful Christmas


  6. What lovely presents!!!
    I love the earring and necklace, perfect for you I bet they suit you very well xxx

  7. Hi Liz! I've just sent you an e-mail, not sure you have received I had a return message saying that your mailbox is busting out! I just wanted to say thank you for the beautiful parcel you sent me! Thank you!!!! xxx

  8. Hi Michela, I have no idea whats wrong with gmail today, I haven't even reached 1% of usage yet, and am definitely not full, lolol. I am so glad you got the parcel in time for Xmas. Have a very merry Christmas! xxx

  9. I can't believe the amount of stuff you got - and it's all really really lovely - lucky you! I wish I'd started blogging earlier then perhaps I could have got involved in all this goodness everyone's talking about!!!
    Kate x

  10. Those are Fab goodies hunnies...LOVING the Red velvet heart best!! What a talented Lady!
    Thanks you for all your lovely comments this year hunny..hope 2010 brings more wonderful peeps like you into my life x
    Annie x

  11. The card is great and oh those brooches - fabulous!

    Merry Christmas

    Victoria xx


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