Tuesday 15 December 2009

The annual clear up........

is under way, and I actually managed to get the drawing room sorted. Sort of. Well, the Christmas decorations are up in that room. I really do look forward to decorating the drawing room, because my youngest DS is always ready and willing to help and I love working with him. Sort of. We have the usual arguments, loss of temper at the top of the ladder, Christmassy music, and tinsel flung in disgust ( by DS - " I can't do it, you do it, mum! ). But this decorating day is precious to me, because when they are all grown up, its not always easy to do things together. Once the room is decorated ( quite restrained really ), we stand back, have a hug, and admire our handiwork. Its lovely to reminisce about Christmasses past for a few mins, and my darling DS is always full of compliments about the decorations ( even though they haven't really changed in god knows how many years ). This year I did add some new ones though, the beautiful crocheted spirals you can see on the tree.

I suppose I had better show you the room then, hadn't I? Here goes -

During the day

At night

The fireplace

The Christmas tree

The chandelier, which makes everything sparkle so

My darling Poppygirl, stealing my tea when my back was turned ( thats not quite what I called her when I heard her slurping my tea )

Advent candles on the table

sharing the table with this winter potpourri

Golden potpourri on a little side table

I'll show you some pictures of some of the ornaments, most of which we have had for many years. The only new ones are these pretty crocheted spiral ornaments my mum made for me this year

One of a set of felt ornaments I made many years ago

Birds, I love the birds snuggling down in the tree

large glass drops

and some big sparkly ornaments

I have had a set of these capiz shell ornaments for, oh, at last 20+ years. Precious little things.

And last but not least the tree ornaments which started the whole white/silver decoration thing at least 20 years ago, the lace stars I made

I made sets for my mum and for my mother-in-law as well, and they put them up each and every year, bless.

There you go, thats the drawing room done, sort of, only got the rest of the house to go now, lololol. Tomorrow I'll have a fun post for all of you out there who love ( or hate ) Marmite. It really did tickle me, errrrmmm, the thing I want to show you. About Marmite. Which you either love or hate. We all love the stuff, even the granddaughters. Mind you, it took me ages to get used to it, my German palate just wasn't used to such a weird taste.

Cheerio, and don't stress, its only Christmas! xx


  1. Your drawing room looks absolutely gorgeous with your colour/ non colour schem. Magical and elegant.

  2. How stunning. It looks very cosy and very elegant. Well worth the annual effort, methinks!

  3. German palate. Hmm. Am I missing something?

    The room is perrrrfect. Anyone that steals my tea will unleash my dark side, dog or cat or human alike, hahaha.

    Really lovely precious ornaments Lizzie. If I had a tree, I might be switching things back and forth every few hours, because I am THAT fickle.

  4. I love the homemade decorations; the spirals, the stars, but I love the Christmas tree one the best. xx

  5. This is surely almost the first time we've seen your English home and I love it! The room looks so delicate yet festive. Lovely.

  6. Well done Liz and DS, you have done very well and the room is looking so cozy and pretty at night. I love your tree and all of the wonderful decorations. And that mantle piece is just fab! Oooh isn't it lovely to see all the prettiness again?

  7. It all looks so beautiful! I think you should invite Country Living round.

    Pomona x

  8. So posh!!! Love your lace decorations! ..not sure I could manage with the fragile ones, LOL!

  9. I love it that the same decorations come out year after year after year, it's very special. I particularly love the birds!

  10. gorgeous! what a beautiful festive room, I love the way your decorations all have a story behind them.

  11. Lovely decorations, I really like the lace ones they are magical. Looking forward to hearing about Marmite, I love it.
    Merry Christmas
    Luv Sophie xxx

  12. Wow ! It all looks beautiful and the lace stars and crochet icicles are terrific.



  14. What beautiful room it is! I love the way you have decorated it. I can imagine that on Christmas day it will be the perfect setting for a wonderful Christmas!
    Warm wishes
    Isabelle x

  15. Looks lovely Lizzie. That room is really cosy anyway, so I bet it's extra special now it's decorated.

  16. Wow that looks gorgeous!! I love all the snowflakes! Those lace decorations are beautiful!


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