Monday 9 November 2009

Time flies

My goodness, I can't believe its been nearly a week since I last posted, where on earth did the days disappear to? I know I spent a lot of hours last week making up gift sets etc for the two day Christmas Fair on Friday and Saturday. I didn't finish pricing up etc until midnight on Thursday, up again at 5.30am on Friday morning, loading the car etc and setting up at the venue at 7.30am. Worn out before it even started, lolol. I took a few pictures as we were all setting up -

It was most definitely worth all the effort and taking tons of gift sets, and it was such a pleasure to see them flying off the table ( so to speak ). Both days were busy busy busy with a pretty steady stream of customers coming through. I didn't have a lot of space and I tried to cram as much as possible into the available space, I even managed to get a few vintage bits and pieces into one corner! Just as well, because I met a lovely couple that way. The gentleman was very interested in the cravats ( ascots ) I had on the stall, kept coming back to them and finally bought one, which he put on immediately and proudly showed off to everybody. He came back again after ten minutes and bought another one, a nice snazzy one, and went off happily with his wife to have lunch. After lunch, guess what? His wife came rushing to my stall asking me to show her the paisley scarves he had also been looking at. We had such a giggle picking one without him noticing and squirrelling it away for a Christmas prezzie. Bless them, they were just wonderful.

The stall holders were great, we were giggling and laughing together whenever we didn't have a customer, and the atmosphere was really lovely, so friendly and relaxed. I wish I could have spent a bit more money than I did, buying little gifts from all of them. There are so many talented people about. It was really nice seeing some familiar faces as well, stall holders I had met before. Of course one had to have a good natter about what fairs one had done etc etc.

Sunday is kinda lost in the mists of time, lol. I got up with the best intentions, looking forward to going to the one bootfair which goes right through the winter, but of course, it was down, so that was a washout. Had a nice long relaxing bath, read a book, did a bit of this and a bit of that, put the heater on for the doggies to dry out after their very wet walk, and promptly dozed off for the rest of the day. I have no idea where the afternoon went, I vaguely remember snatches of conversation with my DH and my sons, but apart from that the whole afternoon is a blank. Do you ever get Sundays like that?

So, all the things I had planned to do on Sunday, I had to do today. That included making more of the healing balm, clearing up the frightful mess I had made last week whilst making up the gift sets, booking our trip to France, laundry etc etc etc. And finally, this evening, I got the chance to read the blogs I follow. How on earth can there be soooooooooooo many posts to read after just a few days??? It took me ages, absolute ages, and I didn't even get the time to leave comments. So apologies to all you wonderful bloggers, whose blogs I follow and love to read. I'll do better this week, promise!

I was so happy to hear that the postal dispute has finally been resolved and we are back to normal again. It means I can now post the 100th post giveaway parcel, woohoo! Oh, and a couple of other parcels, which may or may not be winging their way to far away places. Oh oh, oh, and it also meant that I have received parcels! Mostly quite boring stuff, supplies like oils and butters, and lip balm tubes, that sort of thing. But one other parcel also managed to reach me last week......... a christmas prezzie which my DH has bought me. Well, he doesn't know yet that he has bought it for me, but I'll tell him in due course. I'll take pics tomorrow. Darn, I am drooling just thinking about that little parcel now, I might just have to go and do some fondling, lolol. And before you start thinking I have gone completely nuts, I had better tell you what it is ................
sigh, a little box full of the most delicious, scrumptious, wonderfully tactile and immensely strokable and fondlebable velvet ribbons! See? Not nuts at all, I am sure you all agree, velvet ribbons are totally fondlebable. They have to be touched and oohed and aaahed over.

Thats all for now, there are bound to be a few more new posts I want to read before I go to bed. So night night all, xx


  1. Wow that was a blog post and a half!
    Would love to see a close up photo of your wares too.
    mmmmm velvet ribbon!

  2. It sounds as if you needed that Sunday blankout! I look forward to receiving my package now the strike is off and also to seeing photos of the delectable velvet ribbons!


  3. You naughty girl! How could you possibly photograph the ribbons if they are to be for Christmas? You have to turn them in. You've got to remember, Santa is watching to see who's been naughty or nice.

    Nice table you had set up at the fair. Even better that you really enjoyed yourself and it was worth all the hard work. I bet those lavender bags do really well as they are just so lovely.

  4. I love your stories of the fairs. It must be really hard work, though! Enjoy your ribons...

  5. Glad to hear that your business went well! ;-)
    Have a lovely week!

  6. I can TOTALLY understand that you did really well at the Christmas fair. Your stall looked great and full of lovelies. Well done you, your hard work paid off. What a lovely story about the gentleman.He and his wife sounded like sweeties. Glad you had fun doing it too.
    I also understand your velvet ribbon passion. Yummy.
    Thankyou for such a lovely post. You really have made me smile this morning.
    Rachael XX

  7. Your stall looked really wonderful - no wonder you did well - it all looks very tempting!

    Pomona x

  8. It was a great fun fair wasn't it. I really enjoyed it, one of the nicest of the year so far. Some nice photos of my rear I see!! You were the best company though - thanks Joy x


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