Friday 20 November 2009

Another Christmas prezzie

for MEEEEEEEEEE, which I have squirrelled away for now. Actually, I am taking this one to France with me tonight and putting it on the mantlepiece. I think it will look just lovely there. Of course I am going to take pics so you will be able to see for yourselves when I get back in a week's time.

Annie from Birdcages and Butterflies makes these gorgeous wooden blocks. Perhaps its the kid in me which likes to mess around with wooden blocks, but I just had to have them. They arrived in this lovely little package tied up with white ric rac and a pretty little tag -

Yay, playtime!

I love them.

I also realised that I hadn't shown you these very beautiful sets. There were only two, but boy, are they lovely. and how sensible is that design! Not having to carry a cup of tea and a separate plate of biscuits around, because its all-in-one, makes life so much easier -

This is yet another very short post, I have so much to do before we go to France tonight, arrgghhh. Serves me right for leaving everything to the last minute. Well, if I get some time this evening, then I'll see what else I can find to show you.



  1. SO glad they reached you safely and in time hun!
    Take a pic of them for me when they find their home pretty please..Would love to see how people use them
    Thanks so much for the order..My blogshop will be opening properly next week so keep your eyes peeled hunny xx
    Annie x

  2. Lovely pressies! Have a fantastic time at the French cottage! Au revoir à la prochaine semaine!

  3. Bon Voyage! Great idea that plate and cup set. Love those blocks too. You do know how to choose yourself great presents.

    No.2 thinks only her special friends and family will be able to sign it. Doesn't want the whole school on her arm!

  4. Annies blocks are lovely aren't they!!!

    And look at Michela showing off her french language skills!!!

    Have a great weekend

    Victoria xx

  5. So how long will you be away for in France? We'll still be hearing from you, won't we... Have a great time!

    I adore those teacup-biscuits sets. I am tempted to make me one...

  6. What a beautifully wrapped parcel. It's the little touches like this that make life just that little bit more pleasant. xx

  7. Ooo, they are lovely blocks. Safe trip and have a lovely time in France.
    Rachael XX

  8. Lovely blocks and they'll look lovely in France.

    Have a fab time, and fingers crossed for the weather for you. Safe trip

  9. Love those blocks! Have a great time in France - which part are you off to? Hope the weather will be kind during your stay for you.


  10. Hi Liz

    I've tried to e-mail you to ask for your address for the swap, but it's come back as permanently non-deliverable.

    Can you e-mail me with it please.



  11. Hope you are having a good time in France - just to let you know I have just blogged about the Rainbow Swap (I tried to email you, too, but the message was that your email was full!).

    Pomona x


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