Sunday 1 November 2009

The 100th Post Giveaway is closing

So, before I go on to more mundane things, let me update you on the Giveaway. After the last Giveaway post, 4 more people joined, so I need to add 4 more items. Right. Well, Mrs Can't-Keep-Her-Mouth-Shut here rashly mentioned to a couple of people that if we got to 35 followers, she would add a special something, very French and very OOH-LA-LA. And here I am, with 36 followers now, and having to part with my Ooh-la-la item, lol! Although I have now closed the giveaway, I will keep you in suspense as to THAT item a wee bit longer, mainly because its chucking it down and its so dark that taking photos without a flash is impossible, and I don't like flash very much. Might have to use it though, I really can't see this weather improving today.

Anyway, the three teeny little items I have added are -

3 more of the lovely chunky off white vintage buttons ( at least whoever wins now has a decent set for a cardi or something ) -

a small piece of antique French red striped ticking ( came from a bolster which couldn't be rescued ), enough though to make two lavender heart fronts -

and 6 white lacy flowers, perhaps to decorate little white linen lav sacks or boudoir cushions with -

I suppose I really ought to try and take a photograph of the very last giveaway item, you gals want to know, dontcha? I hope you are all broadminded, lol, and don't blush too easily.......... and thats as much as I am going to say about that item, lol. Oh alrighty then, forget about me blogging about mundane stuff, I'll do that tomorrow, I shall now go and try and get some pics of THAT thingy. I'll update this post later on, in the meantime, why not put a few guesses forward, what could it possibly be?


Well, there have been a few guesses about the nature of the item, so I thought I'd give another little clue...... it may have lace attached to it -

Does that help at all?

No? Alright, then I'll UPDATE THE UPDATE! Here is another pic for you. As you can see, everything is completely hand stitched.......

No. 2 son and his family are coming round for dinner, so I probably won't be able to post anymore pics until gone 9pm or thereabouts. but I will try to not keep you in suspenders, oops, Freudian slip, in suspense for too long. Teheheheee. xx


Alright then, I have made you all wait long enough. Some of you have already guessed, it is indeed


I love love love antique French nighties, bloomers, all sorts of lovely boudoir things. I think they look adorable on a pretty hanger on your wardrobe door, or casually draped over a bedroom chair.

These ones are completely handstitched, the cotton fabric is lovely and soft, and of course there is no reason why you couldn't/shouldn't wear them............... dare you, lololol!

Thats it, no more goodies to go into the stash, and the winner will be drawn tomorrow morning. I'll make sure that everybody who had put the giveaway button onto their blog gets entered twice.

Night night now, and sleep well. xx


  1. I'm happy to read that you've closed your giveaway...before we bankrupt you! ;-)

  2. I just hope you can afford to post this lot to the lucky winner! It is an absolutely fantastic prize and I'd be over the moon with all of it. That last item - well could it be a Moulin Rouge garter, a piece of silk from some French knickers or something even more Oh la-la? Are you sure you can post a picture of it this is a family show you know?!!

    Can't wait to see what it is and to hear who is the LUCKY, LUCKY winner.


  3. Lol, I just hope that I can post it at all! What with these ridiculous postal strikes, it might be a while before it reaches whoever wins it.

    I know there are quite a few bits, but they are all teeny weeny bits, scraps of fabrics etc and most of them very light, so hopefully it won't be too bad postage wise.

    Hey, not bad guesses.............. Oh, and I shall put an over-18-only notice on the post when I put up the pics, lol.

  4. Oh you're right Liz! I was totally absorbed with my grammar mistakes that I've completely forgotten to take a guess! ..I agree with Marigold it a garter? ..or perhaps a pair of bloomers?!

  5. How about a thong. I'm an old lady and never wore a thong. Don't think I want to.LOL I enjoyed your story about Allsaints and Allsouls days. Of course, Allsaints day is a Holy Day of Obligation in the Roman Catholic Church.

  6. Oh I want to win so badly! That lace on it's own is blimmin' marvelous so I don't really care what it's attached to. Hoping it's one of your nighties but doubtful of that. Truely lovely prizes honey!! So when't the big draw?

  7. Oops I missed it, never mind, can't wait to see the mystery item though! Some lovely bloomers possibly?! The winner will certainly be winning some beautiful things!
    Sally xx

  8. The good stuff just keeps coming from you!

    Victoria x

  9. All very exciting, I think!!

    Pomona x

  10. Hello!!! What a shame I'm too late for your lovely giveaway ..... oh well. Such beautiful items, all so nice. Pity I didn't find you just that little bit earlier!
    Anyway, nice to have found you - I'm having a very small (in comparison) giveaway, finishes 3 November!! Hope to see you for that one!
    Cheers, Karen

  11. Oh pooh! Have I missed out on your giveaway?

  12. Crotchless knickers Liz?!! Really, the things Grannies have in their drawers these days! Right I'm running, really fast.


I hope you have enjoyed reading the post. If you have, then I would really love to hear about it, so please leave a comment.