Wednesday 7 October 2009

Wet, wet, wet

Nope, not the band ( which I quite liked, such a sweet smiley lead singer )

but yet more grey skies, rain, puddles everywhere, wet shoes and clothes, and dogs who are determined not to set foot outside. It is bucketing down right now, and I am rather glad I am sitting indoors, having a nice cup of tea and reading blogs, as one does in the evenings ( mornings and afternoons as well of course, lol ).

A quick update on the RAINBOW swap first of all - More packages have been posted, mine has gone off today as well, and I am sooooo excited about it all. Please please please let me know as soon as someone gets their swap package. Who is going to be first to receive one? Who is going to be first to post and show pics??? I just hope the postal service is not going to let us down.

I took a few pics of recent boot fair finds yesterday, and as there is not much else to report on, I might as well show them to you.

This is such a pretty Charles Rennie Macktintosh inspired silk scarf. The light was just awful, and this spot was the best there was, but of course madam couldn't possibly move, sigh. She seemed to quite like the scarf though-

This darling little hankie so reminded me of my childhood. I used to crochet lace edgings onto dainty little hankies and give them as gifts to my grandmother and my mum. The threads were so fine and the crochet hook so tiny, and I seem to remember I was only 7 or 8 years old. I also remember feeling so happy to see how much these little gifts were appreciated.

Do you like using tablecloths? I do, not so much here in England because we often eat in the kitchen and the table there has an oilcoth cover, but in the cottage I always use a tablecloth and love it. This gorgeous green damask cloth is not quite big enough for the table but will look gorgeous draped over a large white banqueting cloth. The colour is such a delicious soft minty green -

A dainty little nightdress case, with the prettiest ribbon threaded through -

A little Viennese trinket box, decorated with roses -

This is a bit of a strange bowl, anybody got any ideas what it would have been used for?

A few bunches of sweet little silk roses and a very long and pretty bead lariat, or perhaps it is a belt, who knows, lol, it doesnt really matter, could be used either way, or, shock horror, dismantled and made into something else-

And last but not least yet another tin. Not an old one, but hey, it says Mother's Chocolates, so I had to have it, right?

It probably won't get filled with chocolates, but something equally delicious, ribbons, or buttons, or sewing threads, or beads.....

Thats it for now, back to reading lovely blogs xx


  1. ...hey! Where is your post?!

  2. Errrm, I accidently pressed the publish button, lol, just after I had put in the title, sorry!

  3. The girl has seriously lost the plot this time! Does she really call this blogging? Liz honey, go and have a cup of tea and then come back to us.

  4. ARRGGHHHH, and you call yourself friends? I suppose you have never done that before, eh? PFFTT. So I am not perfect. HUMPH.

  5. Oh now I can read! Gorgeus bits! It's funny because I've a print in my kitchen with the same picture of your tin, but it's an advertisement for Kohler's Chocolates.
    I'm ready to send my green parcel to Jennyflower!

  6. Of course we've not done that before!! Now I suppose my swap will be the last to be revealed since a certain madam has left the country. Clearly it wasn't important enough to delay her flight.

    Now that nightdress case is truely beautiful but I'd have a hard job putting my flannel jammies in there. As for that dish, perhaps it's for those people who slop their tea while picking up their cup and saucer. Nothing worse that a wet bottom is there?

  7. I love that nightdress case, I want one!
    I'm ready to send my grey package now too! I was a bit scared that I wouldn't find anything grey and attractive but I was pleasantly surprised :)

    Lots of Love

    Kelly xxx

  8. Awful weather isn't it? We're getting our fair share of wet,wet,wet as well. Sigh. Hey, I am guessing that little bowl is a strainer of sorts. Maybe a bowl for berries, or something?

  9. Niki at Nostalgia in the Stone House had a plate a bit like that around strawberry season, I think. She thought it was for strawberries, but I'm sure someone else corrected her and told her it was for veg of some kind. Really can't remember what... Wow, I'm useful, aren't I?

    Did I say I've posted my yellow parcel? Well, I have...

    I'm just too sick with jealousy to comment on your fabric finds. How do you do it?


I hope you have enjoyed reading the post. If you have, then I would really love to hear about it, so please leave a comment.