Sunday 6 September 2009

Yoohooooo, I am back in blogland!

Well, here I am again, back in England and back on the computer and back in blogland. My goodness, it was hard leaving our cottage in France this morning, the dogs were so incredibly happy there, it nearly broke my heart having to take them back to England and our titchy little garden here. When I get round to unpacking tomorrow and uploading the errmmm few hundreds pics we took, then you'll be able to see how much they loved running and playing in an acre of garden ( hah, garden, lol, thats a bit of a joke, its more of a field/mole utopia until we move there permanently, but who cares ). It was the most beautiful morning yet again, with the valley below us filled with snow white mist, and the sun rising so majestically and colourful over the hills across the valley, sigh, how I will miss those!

What an earth am I going to do first though tomorrow? Apart from unpacking, that is, oh, and taking the doggies to the beach for a good run. I can't believe the amount of posts I have to work through to get up to date with all the people I am following! It will take a whole day at least, I am sure. And putting all my pics onto the computer, oh lord, that will take a while, sorting through them, discarding, deciding which ones I might post on here......... And trying to remember all the things we did during the last three weeks, and write about them, I think I might end with more than just one or two posts about the hols, lol. So be warned, gals!

Right, early night for me I think, I'll promise I'll have a post WITH pics for you tomorrow! Night night for now, back to (almost) normal tomorrow xx


  1. Llllliiiiizzzz you're home!!!!!!!!! Finally. I can't believe you have unpacking ahead of us!! Really girl, get your priorities in order. You have giveaways to check out, they seem to be everywhere at the moment. I hope you settle in quickly and not miss that French place too much.

    Oh and I haven't touched that quilt yet, waiting for you to return first. No really I am working on my first one finally. Good girl me! Anyway nice to see you back.

  2. Oh Sarah, you are so right, what was I thinking? Priorities have now been adjusted, the hall is staying full of suitcases, boxes and bags, and what does it matter if the DH and DSs and doggies have to climb/jump over them to get through the hall, eh? Catching up on posts is way more important and when it comes to giveaways, well, it would be rude not to enter them, wouldn't it?


I hope you have enjoyed reading the post. If you have, then I would really love to hear about it, so please leave a comment.