Wednesday 12 August 2009

Catching up, sort of

We are off to our cottage in France Friday night, so now I am trying to finish up my bootfair posts before my enforced blogging break. Sigh, we don't have broadband access where we live in France, we did try dial up, but it was so frustratingly slow, I mean really really REALLY slow, it would take minutes to load a page, and 20 mins to half hour to upload a photo, IF it worked at all. So we gave up on that, it literally had me screaming with frustration. I will try to get to an internet cafe once or twice though, just so that you don't forget me, sob sob.

Right, on with the catching up on the bootfairs. Sunday morning was lovely, perfect bootfair weather, not too hot (at 7.30am), a little breeze, and there certainly was a goodly lot of booters on the field. Sadly, there really wasn't much which I could get enthusiastic about, and I only went home with two pieces. Yep, you read that right, just TWO pieces. Mind you, those two pieces were really quite nice, lol, but do have a look for yourself -

The crochet blanket is huge, I did measure it, sort of, you all know how difficult it is to measure anything like that, lol, because its stretchy, but I reckon its at least 2.20m square. and I love it.

Aaahhhh, and more romantic frivolities, my darling husband really wasn't very keen on getting this, but I adore everything about this, the beautiful young lady, the fabulous blue colour of the background, the flowers, and the wonderful Art Nouveau frame. Just look at the elegant trailing flowers, the flowing lines, so very typical of that period -

This picture is definitely going to France with me on friday, I can already see it hanging on the wall in the blue bedroom there. Perfect.

There you go, thats all from the first bootfair Sunday morning. I did buy a few more things at the second one, but I shall leave that for another post. I'm afraid I really have to do a bit of housework for a change, sigh. xx


  1. This crochet blanket is so bright and cheerful. What's more, it's a giant granny square!

    Enjoy a relaxing time in your French cottage.

  2. Bon voyage! I will make sure you're entered in my giveaway if I launch it before you get back!

  3. Oh my gosh you found that blanket at a sale! Who would be silly enough to get rid of it, it's fantastic!! Lucky you.

    Enjoy your French holiday you lucky thing. I'm sure it will be very romantic judging by the artworks you will have hanging there!! Hmmm?

    See you when you return!


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