Friday 31 July 2009

Floss tagged me!

Thank goodness it is quite an easy one this time. This is what I have to do ( straight quote from her blog, cos I am lazy, lol ) -

This one is charmingly different and easy:
1-Collect the book that you have most handy
2-Turn to page 161
3-Find the 5th complete sentence
4-Cite the sentence on your blog
5-Pass it on to five other blogger friends
Well, it did seem easy at first glance, but then I realised that my desk is in front of a bookshelf, with hundreds of paperbacks! The photo only shows the top three shelves, the middle shelf has all my soap business paperwork on it, and the bottom three shelves are full of sci-fi and fantasy books as well.

Hmmm, I decided that the shelf right behind the monitor was the one with nearest access to books, and the top of the pile sort of next to the monitor was probably the most handy. And that book was -
Terry Goodkind - Confessor. This is the concluding novel in the utterly fabulous and unmissable Sword of Truth series. I can't praise that series enough. Every time a new book came out, I re-read the whole series again right from the start

Right, lets turn to page 161 then.
and the fifth complete sentence is.......
" Rikka looked disappointed "
Waaahh, how disappointing is that? Such a boring, short sentence. Not fair, when there were lovely long, interesting sentences just before and just after. Well, humph.
Ah well, it doesn't really tease your imagination and it probably won't have made you rush out and buy the book, lol, but honestly, if you like very well written fantasy, get into this Sword of Truth series.
So now I need to nominate 5 others, right, hmmmm. Well
Sarah, from Red Gingham is my first choice, although the only book she is likely to pick up over the next month or so is the (probably very hefty) instruction manual for her new sewing machine
Joy, from Hippy News is next, come on Madame Cowpat, stop thinking about your new fella and do this little thing for me ( oh, before you all think the worst, her new fella is a gorgeous horse )
JJ, from The Diary of a Croaper, has no excuse not to do this, as the prodigal friend has finally returned from Portugal and has computer access again, yay.
Charlie, from Figs and Lemons might be able to find the time to pick up a book, unless she gets more invitations from strange men to sushi parties, in the middle of the night.
Amy, from During Quiet Time, she is busy busy busy all the time with all sorts of things, but I still think she is either Superwoman or has a time machine stashed away in the basement, so she will surely be able to find the time to pick up a book.....
There, all done, that wasn't too bad. Oh, no, not all done, now I have to tell them all they have been tagged, lol.
And now for something completely different. Last night my beloved little Sony digital camera, an ancient 2.1mb , but very handy little thing, starting dying on me after many years of very excellent service. Not good timing, because the standard lens on my Nikon D40 also bit the dust for some reason ( it locked up ), which left me with just the telephoto lens on the D40. I do love the Nikon, but its bulky, and sometimes I just need a little camera to take with me to fairs, on holiday etc, you know the sort of thing. So when I was in the shop this morning getting the lens sent off for repair, I also looked for a new little camera as backup and for general use. After much deliberation and pretty sound advice from the guy in the shop, I settled on a Fuji Finepix F60, which seems to be quite a nifty little thing and not too expensive either. I have only just unpacked it and taken a few pics indoors with it, but it seems to be coping well with close up text ( on the label ), which is important to me. What do you think of the pic quality? Passable for a dinky little cam? Don't judge them on the contents, lol, I couldn't be bothered to move, just snapped from my chair

I am going to have a play with it at the fair tomorrow, I think there will be loads of fab things to photograph.
Right, I am off now to tell all those lovely people above that they have been tagged!


  1. Well done on the tag! We are big Terry Pratchett fans, but never got beyond LOTR and one other bloke (will remember the name in a moment) in the 'serious' Sci Fi and Fantasy league. Got it - David Eddings. We enjoyed his series a lot when a friend lent them to us.

    Our only camera is a Fujifilm Finepix Z5. I am really chuffed with it, having been a camera novice until now. I am learning enough about photography from it, but might graduate to something else one day. I'm glad you're happy with your Fujifilm, because you're a real camera officiando, aren't you?

  2. Haven't picked a book to read yet L.

    Floss, I have absolutely no idea what the first half of your post means. LOL.

  3. Oh, woman, get with it, honestly, one could think the Portuguese sun has fried your brain. Now, you don't need to READ the whole book, just the one sentence on page 161, alright? Any odd book within reach, whatever is handiest, closest.

  4. Oh you picked me! I'm so glad as this did look fun. Does this mean I will have to break the spell and post on Saturday? Ah sure, anything for you Liz. Can't say I've picked up a book in a while. In the summer I read several each week for ages. It was getting to be a bit of a joke around here. Now I think you may be right about the manual, but that would be a tad boring woundn't it?

    Gosh I hope your new camera is nice and simple to operate. I really dread having to get new things, as I really hate having to look through the massive manuals. Good luck with the photos and the fair.

  5. OK. I am actually at work on the pier, in my little cabin and the book closest to me is the diary, but next to thast is my daughters holiday reading book. Except it only has 63 pages, So I'll choose page 16.
    "Poi Baloo chiamo' Mowgli e gli chiese di ripetere a Bagheera la lezione che aveva imparato quel giorno."
    Yes, the Jungle Book in Italian!

  6. I know this is an old post, but I HAD to tell you I just burst out laughing when I read the 5th sentence in your book! SO FUNNY!
    It's fun to read your old posts, I am still trying to catch up with all your blog!
    Hve a great day!


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