Sunday 7 June 2009

Le Weekend

Yesterday, Saturday that is, I had another craft fair, and thankfully it turned out much better than expected. I get really chuffed when people are so enthusiastic about the products I make, and I love chatting with them about the ins and outs of soapmaking etc. It makes me glow with pleasure when they show a real interest and understanding instead of their eyes glazing over and sliding off sideways to other things. We came home tired but pleased with the result of the day. We, that is my darling son Nick, who always comes along with me and has the setting up/taking down perfected to a fine art, and myself.

Having missed all the bootfairs last weekend, I was really looking forward to today's bootfairs. So I really didn't mind too much when the doggies decided at well before 6am that it was time to get up. That was, until I woke up properly and heard this weird sound......rapid plop plop plops on the roof and window, which also rattled quite loudly every now and then. OH NOOOOOOOOO! It was absolutely chucking it down, the wind was howling round the house, and there was no chance of a bootfair this morning. I was crushed, what, another weekend without a bootfair to go to? Of course, come 7am the weather had improved immensely, the sun came out, the clouds disappeared, and all of a sudden it looked bright and cheerful out there. Way too late for the normal early morning bootfair of course. That one would have been called off. Still, now there was a glimpse of hope, because it was still VERY windy, which meant that the field where the late bootfair is held would dry out nicely.

I gave them a ring around 9.30am and YES!!! the bootfair was on! So not all was lost and I got my DH and DS to drop me off at the bootfair before they went off to do their Sunday morning dogwalk. It was relatively small compared to the usual size, I suppose not many people realised it would be on after the torrential downpour earlier. But hey, I was just happy that I could womble about and find a few bits and pieces. Wanna have a quick looksie? Oh alright then, here goes, this is the complete haul from today -

The first thing I bought was this gorgeous blue glass vase, Art Deco, 1920s or 30s I would say. I love the colour, it is perfect for the blue bedroom in the cottage and a lovely companion piece to the blue glass dressing table set I have there

Then I came across another Redoute rose print. I love those, I have a few already in the pink bedroom in our cottage, and they look so lovely on the walls, grouped together. I can't resist anything with roses, and as the cottage is called La Croix Rosion (or Rozian, depending on which documents you look at ), it is a great excuse to buy lots of rosy things.

You know, sometimes you have to wonder about the people who do the bootfairs. The bloke I bought the framed print from, heaved a hugh sigh of relief when I bought it, and said " great, I finally got rid of that, I had it in my van for two or three years". So I laughingly said that I shouldn't have paid him 50p for it, he should have given it to me for nothing. He replied, yes, you are right, is there anything on the stall that you like? He picked up these two cute little glass egg cups and told me to have them for nothing. They are adorable! They are French, and shaped like little chickadees. I didn't refuse.

At another stall I bought this very sweet Sadler teapot, decorated with the prettiest little roses. I am so going to enjoy brewing a "proper" cup of tea in it -

I also got this from the same lovely lady -

It is very heavy solid brass, and I have no idea what its function is. It is not just a desk ornament, as you can see from the second pic, it has this strange sort of screw fitting at the back, and I would love to know what it might have been attached to. Any ideas, anyone?

I know this milk can (?) should have a lid, but it has a side handle and a top carry handle and its enamel, and I adore it! I am going to fill it with wild flowers ( and weeds, probably, lol, because its not always easy to tell the difference ) and it will look lovely on the kitchen window sill in the cottage -

The Victorian pressed glass bowl is going to take pride of place on the dining table. It weighs a ton, sparkles beautifully, has that mellow colour of very old glass and is in perfect condition -

I also found another Victorian jelly mould to add to my collection. It is quite an unusual colour ( for me, anyway, most of mine are white-ish glaze ), so I had to have it, even though it had a little bit of damage. I can live with that -

And last but not least, a few bits of jewellery, it wouldn't be a proper bootfair without at least one of two little bits -

a little string of very pretty glass pearls in excellent condition, lovely shine and beautiful colour

glass beads in very pleasant shades of sand, coffee, chocolate

and this fabulous fabulous 4-strand peacock crystal necklace, from Austria, according to the clasp. I am wearing it right now and it feels just lovely

Thats all folks! No bootfairs for me for the next few weekends either, I have a couple of fairs coming up, and DH and DS are off to France again as well, so I won't have the car. Bummer.


  1. You did pretty well for an event that was nearly rained off! I had a good VG too - post tomorrow, I hope! It was a lovely Mothers' Day afternoon out with the boys. I HAVE got your email - thanks so much. I've been mulling it over before I replied! Something I got at the VG may influence me - watch this space...

  2. Hello! No I didn't get your other comment, not sure what would have happened to it. Not sure how we get each others details as I'm not keen to publish my email addy. Any suggestions? By the way I love that teapot and the chick egg watsits.

  3. Hey Sweetie,
    Is the snake small or large ? I just thought it could be part of a door knocker---Love your Blog



  4. Oooh, yes, Ruth, could well be part of a door knocker. It is certainly heavy enough to make a lot of noise, lol. Size, errmm, its about the size of my hand, but my hand is not very big.


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