Friday 19 June 2009

I'm going to a party!

A garden party, to be precise. And to be even more precise, Floss's birthday garden party! Now I know Floss said she has been ever so busy preparing for her parties, but come on, girl, do you have any idea how stressful it has been for your guests, well, for me actually, to find the right dress, accessories etc to do the occasion justice?

It is early morning, VERY early morning and I am beginning to prepare for the BIG EVENT. At the moment I am reflecting on the weeks of agonising of what to wear, how to travel, what to take, what to expect etc etc.

The dress, sigh, of course something classy is needed, maybe with a hint of vintage, made to show off my hourglass figure ( I know, dream on, Lizzie ), and perfect for the wonderful setting. The accessories, you have no idea how far and wide I looked to get something to compliment the outfit.

And of course, no expense is being spared to reach your party in style.

Right, I'll stop talking now, I have to get dressed and get going! Time flies!

First, I really need to

Floss and tell her that I will be on my way soon. She needs to make sure that her lawn is clear round about 3pm, so that I can land

Right, off upstairs to get dressed.

Underwear, first all. I know Floss likes vintage things, but I think wearing these

would be going too far with the vintage theme. So I am opting for some lovely silk skimpy things instead

I haven't yet managed to get myself nicely tanned, so I really need to wear

Oooh, so far so good. Now for the dress, my goodness, you have no idea how much time and effort went into finding the right dress!!!

I did fall in love with this dress

but not wanting to outshine the hostess and being a rather demure and shy little wallflower myself, I am going to wear this understated and rather sweet little vintage number

I did, however splash out on this beautiful Victorian brooch, and I am clipping it onto the neckline

I was going to wear this wonderful

but now I am thinking, hey, why hide my beautiful face?, I am going instead for a rather elegant hairdo

Are you beginning to get the picture?

Shoes, sigh, now that is a big problem. Am I going to be sensible and wear
flatties so that I don't sink into the lawn? Or am I going to be a bit more glamorous
and go for a smallish heel and stay on the terrace? Terrace it is, I need a bit more height, lol.
So far, the outfit is pretty demure and white, I need a little bit of colour, so I am taking with me
my favourite little

and I am also going to wear
on my finger, I had this garden party ring specially comissioned.

Just a little hint of

and I am ready to go.

I hired a

oh, and here it is, right on time, to pick me up and take me to the

Sigh, thankfully it is quite a smooth flight, to the nearest airport, where I am about to board

Oooooh yes, thats the way to travel, sink into the luxury seat, enjoy a bit of

and RELAX!!!

Doesn't time fly when you are having fun, just look at that, we have just arrived at

Couldn't get a Roller at this end, so I have to make do with a

but who cares about the car, when its chauffeured by

yes, you did see right, the gorgeous Jensen Ackles

Pretty darned good way to travel, right?

And so I finally arrive at Floss's wonderful home. My goodness, just look at all the cars in front of her house!

As I walk through the gate, up the

into the beautiful garden, I am greeted by some of the guests

and finally, ah, there she is, the birthday girl herself!

I did bring her a little bunch of flowers and some choccies, of course.There you go, Floss, HappyBirthday!!!

She is such a lovely hostess, she shows me where we are going to sit in the beautiful marquee

Yummy, look at this wonderful buffet

I just adore these summer party cupcakes

Floss, you have gone to soooooo much trouble, everything is just wonderful, from the

to the

and the fabulous

You have outdone yourself, girl!

I am having a wonderful time, and is soooo lovely to meet some fellow bloggers at the party.
They are all a bit camera shy though, but perhaps they will let me take their photos a bit later on, after another glass or two of

aaahhh, Kir Royale, my favourite French summertime drink.

Oooh, Oooh, girls, I have just heard she has got a live band playing, lets go have a look, they are just setting up. Well, I'll be................ it can't be............ omg, it is

and they are just starting to sing


Would you believe it, in the other marque she has got

Its all just too much for poor little me, I have to sit down for a moment and use one of the

which Floss has so thoughtfully provided on all the tables.

Goodness me, its getting dark already! Yikes, whats that noise???? OMG, just look at what her hubby has arranged now

What a wonderful way to end the most amazing Birthday Garden Party Day.

Big birthday hug to you, Floss, and thank you for a fabulous experience!


  1. Hahahaha! What a GREAT blog!

    Floss is such a fabulous hostess, and she even hired Take That! I was a Take That fan, eons ago!!! What a great "party", I've had such a great time as well.

  2. I had too much fun reading your post about Floss'party!
    Greetings from Italy

  3. Take it the party was in Lalaland then Liz? Seems like a good day out. lol

  4. What a FUN post! I'm sure Floss will be pleased with the party you've put on! =))))

  5. What a great Garden party I am glad that I am going too, I did forget to post the picture of my private jet though.... Ha ha - love the post

  6. Oh, WHAT a party! I'm so glad it was mine! Don't worry at all about the post being an evening early - I've spotted this problem before, when I was preparing posts for a Colour Week that Juanita, Ashley and I joined.

    I loved your post, and I have to tell you it was a cut above my afternoon - it's Son 1's 12th birthday on Tues, and we put his party on today as mine is next weekend. Five boys aged 10-12 and their Nintendo DS games! It does make for an easy party, if you add in time in the pool too...

  7. wow!! what a party - love the dress, and fireworks!! a great end xxxx

  8. Pass the tissues quick, my eyes are streaming with tears. That was just the funniest post I've ever read! You are amazing Liz.

    I am so glad that I accepted her invitation, as it looks an absolute blast at Floss's party. Jeepers, I hope I have a party that fabulous one day. You really know how to party girl!! Love the helicopter! Liz, if you ever throw a party please count me in.

  9. fantastic garden party lucky floss bet she is having a fab time with those boy bands my garden party is here

  10. Hey, wotcha! I think I just missed you yesterday... I'd eaten that many puddings, and then I sneaked off to have a chat with Take That, and after that I don't remember much at all. I've only just woken from the pud induced haze that was yesterday and managed my post. Wasn't it so fab. We must try and meet next time. I've giggled my way thru your post. x

  11. You tart!!! I had to go and wash my dress after that cream pie. Took me flippin' ages to get it dry too. And you will never believe who came into the bathroom whilst I was standing there in my corset, with my boobs pumped up so - Jensen!!! Yes, your driver. Really that man has no manners at all. Goodness, it could have been a lot worse I suppose.

    Yes, sorry about the London thing. I only had such a short time and I do know how you like to talk when you get going! Hmmm.

  12. Roflmao, Sarah, you are such a drama queen! I suppose in order for others to make sense of the post, they need to know a bit of background, which you can find here - in my comment on her post!
    And humph, are you telling the truth about your encounter with Jensen? I mean, there can't be many girls that would cross meeting HIM in the bathroom. Go on, you can whisper the truth to me, nobody else is listening.


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