Sunday 17 May 2009

Sunshine and rain,

more sunshine and rain, and then it started all over again... and again......... and again.

We had some weird weather today, rain one minute, sunshine the next, followed by torrential downpours and more sunshine. Still, a serious car booter isn't put off by that, right? We toddled off to the first one, the early one, and managed to get through the meagre three rows in record time and with only a few rain spatters. There weren't too many bargains to be had, but I did manage to get a couple of things. Firstly, I found this lovely shaped bowl with the most beautiful little bunches of violets. I already have a bowl exactly the same shape, but decorated with roses, so I was delighted to pick up this one as a companion piece -

Next was a trip down memory lane. When my three boys were little, Pogs were all the rage and they all collected them, played with them, swapped them, got mum to put them into albums etc etc. And I found a HUGE amount of pogs at the boot fair! One lot of several hundred was in a nice little wicker basket, the other lot of a few hundred more was in the most delicious tin. I had to buy the lot, of course, I couldn't go past them, and the tin made it so worth it!. Little piccie of the pogs first, just in case you have fond memories of them as well -

And here is the scrumptious, gorgeous and very lilacy American candy tin some of them came in, decorated with violets! You could almost see a theme emerging here, bowl, tin... was I going to find more treasures with violets?

I'm afraid, that was the end of my bargain hunting though, it started raining in earnest and I was cold and miserable and in need of a cup of tea, so no chance of finding anything else with violets, sigh.

After I had a nice cup of tea, did a bit of crocheting and had a change of clothes, we went off to the late boot fair. It starting raining on the way over there, and by the time we got there, some of the stall holders were already packing up! Not good news, waahh. And all because of a few drops of rain, pffft. Silly weather, five minutes later the sun was shining again, admittedly only for a few minutes before it started pouring down again. And then it was sunshine again, rain again, sunshine again, rain again, you get the picture, right? By the time I had finished the first two rows, most of the stall holders had packed up, most noticably the many traders and regulars. At least the " proper " booters, the one-0ffers, were stubbornly holding on to their wares, trying to keep them from falling over, blowing away or turning into a sodden mess. And I did manage to find a few little bits and pieces -

a gorgeous teeny weeny little miniature teapot, decorated with the most scrumptious roses and gilding

Next, on the same theme of roses, I came across this delightful little lidded pot -

Aren't those two the sweetest little things?

I also found a set of three old pressed glass oval shallow bowls/dishes. I love love love old pressed glass, and I may have one or two pieces already :) -

And linen, I can never resist buying a couple of pieces of vintage linen. I was very lucky to find this stunning tablecloth and a dainty little huckaback towel with a very pretty damask pattern at one end and a sweet little crochet border. The workmanship on the tablecloth is superb, I can't even guess how long it must have taken somebody to make this, and it is in superb condition as well. It is VERY creased at the mo, of course, because it has come straight out of my bag, I couldn't waste time washing and ironing it before sharing this with you -

The last piece I managed to get was this very handsome little glass dish in the shap of a swan, and I thought it would be lovely to display some of my handmade soaps on it -

Ooops, nearly forgot, I also picked up a few little pieces of jewellery for recycling, a nice long glass pearl necklace, excellent condition, multistrand necklace with gorgeous metallic lustre seed beads and a little bracelet with the prettiest light jade green catseye beads, freshwater pearls and silver spacers -

That was it for the day, I was soaking wet, looking like a drowned rat, but with a happy smile on my face. It had been a wet one, but definitely worth going. Just please, lets have some sunshine next week, ok? And the total spend for the day? The princely sum of £7.20.


  1. I do wish we had emoticons on here - you'd get an enormous fat raspberry for finding those lovely little treasures for £7.20. Jammy, jammy, jammy madam :-)

    Having said that though, I suppose if you get up at rude o'clock on a Sunday (and in the rain no less)then you deserve a reward.

  2. You did really well. Your total spent was a whole lot lower than ours (although Ben did buy that DVD player which doesn't count on the vintage shopping total..?) The bowl with the violets is particularly lovely. I found some violets too - on a beautiful embroidered cloth...

  3. Excellent bargains...well done! I can never find bargains :(


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