Monday 11 May 2009

I love Sundays

Sunday mornings mean boot fairs, yay, well, at least between April and September. Getting up early is not a problem, we are so used to it after many years of Andy working in London, and even if we wanted a couple of extra hours, the doggies wouldn't let us. So , yesterday morning around 7am we toddled off to the first boot fair. It wasn't huge, but big enough to spend an hour wombling around.

It was definitely worth going, because I found another reasonably priced stoneware hot water bottle for my stair collection -

The instructions made me laugh though, " remove stopper... before filling ", lolol, oh really? So thats where I have been going wrong all this time.

I also found a little bunch of artificial flowers, 5 white lilies and lots of, errmm, grassy things. They are destined for our cottage in France -

Next, I found another gorgeous cut crystal powder bowl, with a huge, slightly faded powder puff still inside. Sigh, I love those big old fluffety puffs -

Oh, and then I found these absolutely delicious vintage postcards, some a little naughty, some a little saucy. They gave me such a giggle -

I made one other purchase, oh such a wonderful thing, but just to tease a certain friend of mine, I won't tell about that one until the very end of this post, teehee.

So that was the first boot sale. We went home, had a lovely cup of tea, did a bit of crocheting, Andy went off to do his Sunday shopping in Sainsburys, and then he dropped me off at the second boot fair, while he and Nick went off walking the dogs in the Firehills.

This is a strange bootfair, lol, it says booters allowed in at 12 midday, however, by the time we usually get there 10.45 or thereabouts, it is absolutely heaving with hundred odd booters and masses and masses of shoppers. I heard from lots of booters that they usually get there around 9! It was a lovely warm morning, everybody was cheerful, and I did find a few more lovely lovely things.

First was this sweet little fabric covered box, complete with little tassels and a little cord handle. Great for storing little bits and pieces, of which I have many, lol -

I also found another Victorian jelly mould for my collection. I absolutely adore these -

I was so excited and delighted to find this fabulous, heavy solid copper hanging bowl. It is perfect for our kitchen in France. I'll hang it from a beam and keep the onions and garlic in it I think. It needs a lot of polishing, but thats just about the only cleaning I do enjoy, I find it quite therapeutic to sit in the sunshine, polishing away and seeing that wonderful rich copper colour emerge from all the grime -

The last little treasure I found was this 20p piece of Victorian jet bead embroidery, it is so delicate and so very pretty -

Apart from that, I bought a whole stack of books of course, and that was about it. My darlings picked me up just after 1pm, and we went home and watched the Grand Prix. Andy had brought a couple of kilos of delicious French white asparagus home, so I prepared some of that for a late lunch, served the continental way, with finely chopped boiled egg and slices of parma ham. YUM YUM!!!

Goodness, another hugely long post. But this is definitely it now. I think. There is something bothering me, I seem to have forgotten something. Hmmm, oh yes, OOOOOPS, that fabulous purchase from the first boot sale, the one which will totally delight my dear friend, and will certainly give her a giggle.

Here it is.........


almost there..........

are you ready for it?

Tadaaaaaaaaaaa -

I tell ya, I was so pleased that I did splash out £4 on this brand new shopping trolley at the bootfair, otherwise I would not have been able to buy all the lovely goodies which I did buy.

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