Saturday 30 May 2009

First day of the fair

I couldn't have asked for better weather for the garden and craft fair, and I would have been hard pressed to find a more beautiful setting. Just look at this, isn't it just gorgeous? You'll understand why I kept looking out of the window at the lake longingly, just wanting to dangle my feet in the water, soak up the rays and basically just laze about -

There were some very colourful garden stalls outside. I especially liked the one with these beautiful irises -

The craft fair was inside the visitors centre, and provided a surprisingly good mix. These stalls were amongst my favourites -

Bags, bags, bags in the most beautiful vintage fabrics, roses galore, sigh, and lots of sweet little bits and pieces with a vintage flavour. Suzanne makes all the bags herself, and they are perfectly sewn, I am so envious of her skills. I'll have to quiz her tomorrow whether she has a website where I can get myself a treat a bit later in the year

This stunning Venetian mask stopped me in my tracks. I am not normally a fan of red, but I would wear that mask, most definitely. Gimme a masked ball to go so that I have an excuse to buy it! Sigh, those feathers......

I spent quite some time looking at the lovely fabric collages etc on this stall as well. Beautiful workmanship -

And then there was Helen's stall, the Leaf Tradingpost. It was most definitely one of the more unusual stalls I have come across, but absolutely fabulous. Helen had some super soft, I-wanna-lie-on-it-and-never-get-up fleeces on her stall. They made me long for long evenings in front of a roaring fire, languishing on the fleece with a glass of wine. She also had some natural dyes on her stall, and some very fine, very unusual jewellery, horn and semi precious stones. I was a very happy bunny when she suggested a swap, she ended up with some of my soaps and I ended up with a very pretty horn and carnelian necklace, dainty and very much my colour

My stall was right opposite her and we had a grand time chatting away in between customers. Space was quite tight, so I couldn't spread out as much as I would have liked to, but my darling son Nick had the bright idea to put the little water tub and try-out soapies right in front, and customers had a ball messing around with it, especially with the floating soap!

It was a pretty good day all round really, lets hope tomorrow is a good day, too. I am pooped, I am just going to read a few blogs and then toddle off to bed. Enjoy your Sunday! xx


  1. Beautiful place L, and your stall looks amazing as always. If I wasn't disappearing tomorrow I'd drive over and have a mooch about.

    Good luck with tomorrow. Knock 'em dead girl :-x

  2. If you weren't disappearing to Portugal for a couple of months, deserting me, I would give you a big cyberhug now. Oh darnit, have one anyway, lol. Happy holidays, you old crow.

  3. Cyberhug back at ya L. Hope all went well today.
    Oh, and just to rub it in, the neighbour's kids tell me today that they've already been swimming in our pool and water is lovely. HUGE cheesy grin here.

    Think I'll leave now. LOL

    And less of the old if you don't mind

  4. It looks great! Your stall looks like a real draw, and the stuff to try out must be great fun. How marvelous to do a swap, too! I hope today is going really well for you.

    PS Our pool is nice too!


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